
That is just misleading, not all aspects of mental health cannot be treated. Brain is the most complex device in the universe and no matter how well-intentioned doctors are, it is not always known how they work. They did not know not due to lack of trying but mere difficulty and complexity of the problem at hand. Only

But are not caucasians ethnically closer to arabs than Indians or Latinos.

Movie theatres being banned in Saudi kind of makes it hard to hire people from the local film industry.

No, the problem is, something you might have said in the public forum a long while ago being used against you now, which you might have even forgotten. Also that is kind of a moot point, people got fired for proclaiming they are gay, and im from India where an employer can legally fire you for it. so i might want to

Yup, telling kids republicans are evil and telling them why social conservatism denies everyone rights are different things. Kids understand equality quite early and studies show it is even an innate tendency that monkies or chimps do. But anyway, yeah, kids are smart and can get complex philosophies as not as they

I’m just gonna laugh for now as within a decade automation and self-driving cars will make the silly carboys irrelevant.

Except the list has things like consensual gay sex, marrying an olderr woman and peeing in public. Which alongside rape and assault.

thBecause it was not about her, she was hired to have sex with a guy, she refused, so she was replaced by another woman, and she tweeted at her, this

DNA testing determines both race and to a degree ethnic group. While Republicans were racist, dismissing DNA testing like it is a pseudoscience is equally dumb.

Indians don’t call themselves curries, Muslims don’t refer themselves as sand N, nor do chinese call themslves as Chinky. N-word is kind of unique because black people use it and ask others not too. I personally don’t use it duh, even though I am not white. But the question kind of does make sense, you won’t see jews

.Yeah, he should just tell the community to send dm’s of dick pics instead....

A dozen pay fines, and rest learn a lesson. If a white person cannot be excused for abuse, neither can the minorities. This I am saying as an immigrant myself who knows my melanin is not an excuse to be an abuser.

sad part is victory in politics is basically tied to money and if democrats refused money, they will not have any political victories and thus more republicans and if they got money, it makes them complicit in crime.

Either way fuck him,

Google health app asks for height, weight and other metrics, it can also connect with other fitness apps for api data.

A friend of mine posted if you have been harassed share the hashtag #metoo and I just posted #metoo. Others either commented support or just gave a heart reacts. The original post was for women, but some men shared experiences too. It was intimate and vulnerable and I think it was fine.

She is jewish. Fast and Furious fans like her and DC fans too cus she is in the trinity and the best dc movie.

She is an Israeli Citizen and former member of the defense force., who seems to love her country, I’m surprised at the love she gets now considering how many at the left hate Israelis by default.

Yeah, more obvious one would be his support of russian imperialism which shows him having little regard for human rights.