The network is down

This is untrue.

Overbuilding in a city with a housing crisis? GTFO with that. Also, our Urban Growth Boundary is not new. It is highly studied and has kept us from becoming a sprawling wasteland like LA, Phoenix or Atlanta.

Pods! In a special area of the terminal where I’ve arrived extra early: I’ll hop into a pod, sign a waiver for my xanax and benadryl combo, wash them down a bloody mary, pop on my VR goggles and wait quietly to be loaded and unloaded from the plane.

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

Instant Pot here I come!

Instant Pot here I come!

Aw dammit. If ya’ll want me to watch video content, give me a FireTV channel and better label your articles.

Me too, and on the first try!

I understand that you do not like a thing that I like.

The pride in process and performance is what does it for me.

My wife and I were just at the Venetian in April and tried the stadium blackjack. It was a lot of fun, and much more accessible and relaxed than a traditional table. I do see the writing on the wall and would be surprised if most traditional tables aren’t replaced in ten years.

Yes, I can tell - usually. The pride in process and performance is what does it for me.

I was looking for low-sugar yogurt a while ago because everything is too darn sweet. Then I found a mayo-looking bottle of no-added-sugar Bulgarian yogurt (made in Texas, I think). This is where I discovered the reason people add sweeteners to yogurt. I just need something about halfway between the grocery store Greek

Oh hell no. I love tableside service, especially guacamole and caesar salad. Any idiot can make them fresh, and any idiot can pour them from a Sysco or FSA bag onto a bowl or plate.

Yeah, probably. Among others, of course.

I have staff that need this because they don’t have inside voices and cannot comprehend how their lack of volume control is supremely frustrating.

Wow. That looks like the designers of the Cruisin’ USA arcade game and the HALO Warthog designers had a baby who designed this. And I kind of like it.

Oregonian here, with a smallish lawn. I ripped out the rolled sod in my yard and replaced it with a smaller patch of native grasses with clover. The rolled sod needed way too much work, fertilization and herbicides to look half decent. Garbage.

No palm oil either, so I guess I’ll try them. Bye Nutella!

No palm oil either, so I guess I’ll try them. Bye Nutella!

I would like to adopt your cat. My cat’s piss smells like cat piss, not gin.

I concur that Burgerville is not what it once was... I have a hypothesis that ten years ago you could live very modestly with a few comforts (broadband and the occasional night out) in the Portland area on fast food wages, assuming a double-income household. Now, you cannot. The people now do not see a future, and