Maybe if they did it like with cigarettes; disgusting and uncomfortable images. Pokemon covered with trash, and choking on it...
Maybe if they did it like with cigarettes; disgusting and uncomfortable images. Pokemon covered with trash, and choking on it...
Rockwoman! 11-year-old me wants a cool blaster arm like that.
The hate must stop, but we have to look at it like a constant state of maintenance. Kind of like we have to take care of our bodies or they go to shit. We are all born as children, and children are ignorant. Children and the ignorant will try to find a reason to feel good without guidance, and sometimes it’s hate.…
Seems like self-defense to me, but an awkward gross one, like how some animals defecate on themselves in their defense mechanisms.
In my estimation the protests have gone exceptionally well. The need for protest has not just begun, but there was a yearning to push back and make a big statement against this new president, and to undermine the occasion of his inauguration. Success. The women’s movement spearheaded it, but everybody joined in, and…
Santa Rosa, California
He also Rick-rolled us...
“I’m never, never, NEVER, going to let you down!”
I’m playing through GTA4 for the first time right now on PC, and I’m loving it even though it’s a sorry joke of a release. It runs well enough for me after the latest patch on high settings (heavier traffic feels right), but I hope Rockstar keeps going with it (I have to run it in windowed mode or I get bad stutter).…
Nintendo Comics System was pretty cool from my experience. I didn’t have that one though.
They’re obviously setting us up for the introduction of Sonic into the Mario canon.
Well I actually want one, and I figured I was going to stick to being a PC gamer. I’ve been unimpressed with consoles for a long time, and this one is taking things in a direction I feel like investing in. It’s the open-air option to counter the built-in isolationism of virtual reality. Portable local multiplayer,…
He’s going to commit an offense that should get him impeached really early, don’t you think? I couldn’t guess how the government or the country would react to that, but if he got a pass it might really be the beginning of the end. That’s really the only hope that I got: where while he might think he…
Yeah, I’m somewhat aware that it’s known for being a lower quality sensationalist news source. The pics though, if they’re real, kind of tell their own story. It’s just not as pretty as what you can see on the Ghost Ship website ( It was a big space, and I wonder how much of it really looked…
That’s what I thought at first, but I’m suspicious those photos were just the common spaces that were dressed up for guests, while many of the living areas looked like trash. I never use the Daily Mail, so I don’t know about them, but this article was posted on one of the Oakland news sites’ comment sections. The…
I’m probably just lucky I wasn’t interested in any of it at the time. I really didn’t know William by name, and now he’s a fascinating character. Cool that they literally merged Dolores’ narrative with Wyatt, but they were also merging William’s. I love the layers, and I’m glad I apparently missed the obvious one…
I see now that I may not have read this as passive-aggressively as intended. Congrats on not being shallow with the plot of one’s entertainment? I like to dwell on the ideas. The show does a good job of presenting this dichotomy: the narrative vs. the maze. To grok and whatnot. I thought this show was dope.
I actually didn’t figure it out until the reveal. One of the reasons is that I wasn’t as interested in those plot threads as I was with Maeve, Ford, and Bernard. I remember now that I read comments like “William is the Man in Black”, to which I thought: “Who the fuck is William?” I suspect the place where a lot of…
This was the best I’ve ever seen from him. I watch an episode every couple months, and will probably watch more now, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. If she’s as popular as they say, this is a small victory for political thoughtfulness. He soundly, respectfully, and consistently crushed her logic without…
I think Trevor Noah actually did better on this than John Stewart could have right now. I don’t watch the Daily Show much, but Trevor’s ability to diffuse this new wave of the old bullshit was impressive. She’s smart and quick (and backwards), but he was a ready guide.
About the OP comment: We need to fucking engage…
To me the ghosting is never really about 8 seconds, it’s a silent “fuck you.” This is also true of somebody who fears being harassed, which is an understandable “fuck you.” There are is a lot of nuance to a “fuck you.” I’ve given the silent “fuck you” before, but they earned it well enough that what they did would…