
HE blocked me. What a bitch.

Actually, I did. You didn't understand it. You have poor reading comprehension skills. And someone as rude as you doesn't deserve the respect of a good debate.

Fine. How about we go back to the main point, before the swearing: Is it fair that a man who worked hard and sacrificed to be rich is critical of others who don't do the same but want the same?

Again with the swearing. It doesn't show maturity. It doesn't make you look tough. It actually has the opposite effect.

Why don't you try that again, without swearing?

It's easier to dismiss than think.

And you go right to insults and foul language. I guess that's the best you can do.

Yes. Didn't you read it? Do you need help reading? Will Hooked on Phonics work for you?

Says "Anonymous."

Wow. Envy much? The solution isn't hard work, it's finding opportunities. He found his. He made good on them. Not everyone will find them. Many people won't have any.

So a guy works hard, makes sacrifices, uses resources available to him, and makes the most of the circumstances in the moment to get rich. Others want what he has and won't do the same. Why is he mocked for calling them out?

" What King Kong Live [sic] presupposes is: maybe he didn’t?"

I'm distracted by how you spelled "distractions." But, hey, I'm sure that's intentional meta-commentary, not sloppy editing, and many others have commented on it.

The blurb:

Santa came to say, "COME ON!"

Santa came to say, "COME ON!"

Bad FOX bad FOX
Whatchu gonna do,
Whatchu gonna do when ratings drop for you?