Thelonious Jensen

I'm not sure they want to move in that direction, and it may have to do with the actor playing Carl. Not only that he's not much of an actor, but also that the inevitable growth spurt may force them to move him out of the series. For that reason making him too central to the shows narrative would be bad long term

I agree that the editing is a problem, but I think part of what you're talking about also has to do with bad writing. The writers have shown a strong tendency to do things that are convenient for the plot at the expense of other aspects of the show, and ignoring spatial relationships is one of them. They want Dale to

A miracle doctor? That's a pretty big positive in the zombie apocalypse.

Honestly I bet this is a bit of an age divide. That's the kind of skill older people can never believe that younger people don't have at their fingertips, but why would they? You learn it in 5th grade or whatever and then use it…when exactly? Most people have a calculator on them 24 hours a day, sometimes 3 or 4 at

eddie, I couldn't disagree more. While who they were before is irrelevant in some literal sense, it couldn't be more relevant to telling an interesting story, because it provides the motivation for who they are now and how that allows them to survive. You could have said the exact thing you just said about Lost, but

Saw her at a flea market last weekend and she wasn't covering it up. But that thing is freaky looking in person. She's still super hot though.

I agree 100%. Does it seem to anyone else like they've gotten way more picky about avoiding showing any of the outfits before the runway? It seems like they go out of their way to make sure you see just the bodice, or just the skirt, or something is blocking half the view so you can't get a complete idea of what the