
Oh Jeeze, we’re at the point where The Animatrix: The Second Renaissance is coming into effect. Uh, see you in the protein tubes, everyone.

Can we change “British Columbia” to “Sometimes it Snows in April”?

I swear that videogames, toys, and YouTube are just going to replace going to school. Why make grades when you can make bank having fun? Stuff like this makes me feel the the world I had in mind as a kid/teen came true, rock on kids

Top 10 worst franchise service industry coworkers

Well, ima go ahead and give myself a star so I can feel an entirely unearned sense of numerical superiority over you. Your move, chum

The only person I can imagine starring your posts is you.


My kitten need a a tent set up on the couch and he sleeps on his back with his claws hooked into the blanket

Oh, no one on Kinja (both bloggers and commentators) understands nuance, subtext, or, really, anything when it comes to looking into and understanding art (I mean, has anyone mentioned that the video looks like a Nazi theater? Red, White, Black. She’s putting it all on, *cough*, display. Or, Taylor Swift is a victim

Heh, I predicted that Half Life “3" would be fan made a while back in my secret illuminati forum. That story leak opened the flood gates in a big way, and I think it will eventually take to being a larger crowdsourced project... Heh crowdsource engine

“I come into this from the exact opposite angle. I was never a huge fan of Death Note as a manga or anime, but I am a huge fan of horror movies, and director Adam Wingard is a horror rising star.”

All I can say to this is “yes”

all hail our Aryan overlord, T Swift

It’s... striking to me that this video’s color pallet is Black, Red, and White. Who loved that shit back in the day?

Alright, hold your horses Kinja. I know that opinions are subjective and all but you had SEVEN chances to choose DK Mountain from Double Dash. This article just cannot exist without a write up on DK Mountain, which, for all intents and purposes (GOING SUPER FAST AND DRIFTING MAD DRIFTS) might just be the best track in

That’s pretty much exactly how the fight went. What a thud

All things considered, the FMV animations in this game are incredible

Steeeeeeeeeven Mnuuuuuuuuuuuuchin

Wonder Woman isn’t really all that culturally resonant, like, I hate to break it to everyone but the world doesn’t revolve around superhero movies. Part of the joke of America is that this, this as in big money media, is so ingrained in your politics, like, Wonder Woman, by default, is a political statement! Holy