
Wonder Woman IS bad for feminism. It’s making Steven Mnuchin money! Also, dude’s Canadian. We have a different culture when it comes to discussing gender issues and, frankly, I’d say we are streets ahead of you Americans on that front (keep fighting the good fight and all). We’re all past the point of rationality

“Rutger Hauer”

Critical thinking is pretty much the last thing I’m capable of during an anxiety attack and nowadays it’s like putting a q-tip on a gaping, bleeding wound. Maybe an article on breathing techniques would be more helpful? Those actually have a base in science and might just have a result in favor of asking yourself

When your amendment proves to protect nazis and not much else, maybe something’s gotta fuckin’ give

What is it with Kinja and silicon valley? Is this about when you leaked someone’s private life for profit and Peter Thiel got mad? Why was Thiel mad again... oh, because you revealed that he is Gay without his consent, a topic which your site has often declared is wrong, but not Peter Thiel specifically because he’s a

Is that headline the motto of Kinja?

I’ve been thinking that about all of this American stuff lately. Is Kinja real? Is Hamilton Nolan real? Did Hamilton Nolan green light the Hulk Hogan tapes which cleanly led us into Trump Land? Time will tell!

This is very good sports and that is an excellent cat. You don’t see baseball dogs inspiring grand slams all that often, as totally good of dogs as they are

When do we start dragging these people out into the streets? I mean, not to sound harsh or anything but I’m starting to think that mayyyyybe this is necessary if we aren’t going to hit the Atlantis State. America just needs to go, like, burn the fucker down

How can Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregation site, get taken over by man-children?

Miike has been great since 13 Assassins and Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai. His Ace Attorney adaptation might just be the best video game adaptation out there. He also has an adaptation of the Blade of the Immortal manga released just before Jojo which critics say is up there with 13 Assassins, *squee*. Good to hear

Nintendo sure escalated quickly from “FE:Heroes is a horny casino”

I hold SCIENCE and Morning View as two of the best albums of the 90s. I would say that they pre-date Nu Metal and lean more towards funk/hard rock given their California roots. They have a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers in their DNA, SCIENCE in particular

This is Kaden and he’s a mighty hunter who puts his toy mice in my shoes every morning to show me exactly how mighty he is

I thought that Diablo 3 was interesting solely during the auction house, from there they didn’t fix the game but gutted it and reduced it to a state where you don’t even play through the game but randomized maps and creatures in the form of rifts. I’m talking as a high ladder player in that Diablo 3 is dumb as fuck

My brain’s all fucked up from head injuries, hence the seemingly irrational anger. I don’t have the privilege to take some time to enjoy things, my right temporal lobe which dictates emotional stability is perpetually wonky so I don’t have “happy” or “sad”, just “manic” or “tired”. My brain operates eight times faster

Well, now would be as good of a time as ever to follow up From Hell

I like the Rick and Morty brand Rick and Mortys you can find at Walmart and how every video game now has Rick and Morty skins because everyone is so woke now and if you wear a Rick and Morty shirt with a Rick and Morty head band and eat Rick and Morty cereal you might just not end up in a vodka fueled pit of despair

Ahhh, Wonder Woman producer (he’s now listed on IMDB!) Steven Mnuchin. What a guy

Why do you write this as if the Coen Bros aren’t in on the exact same joke?They aren’t exactly exploring their culture in a way which is, yknow, anything other than damning so why are we always stuck being so fucking literal, Jezebel? Why do you not understand nuance? Why do you write about art when you do not