Wherever they go, all they see is Babies and Phones. Babies and Phones everywhere.
Wherever they go, all they see is Babies and Phones. Babies and Phones everywhere.
Why does she hate America?
On the other hand
Peanut bars too. People just throw the shells on the ground. Gross.
Archeologists say they’ve found an early Roman tavern in what is now France. One of the big clues: All the abandoned…
Well, I’m no expert and it didn’t bankrupt me to change all the lead- soldered pipes bringing water into the house and then all those carrying water out a few years later.
The New Yorker had an article about how the money was spent that boiled down to, “we have consultants being paid $1K/day to run “analytics,” but Rakeem still can’t read.” Some good intentions + poor execution + intractable problems = poor kids always lose.
This is also why schools should have a level of federal funding that means they don’t need any property tax revenue to support the basic infrastructure, teacher pay, supplies, etc. Let the property tax revenue pay the administrators’ salaries or something, I don’t know.
The GOP wants to shut down all the agencies so THEY WOULD NEVER EVEN CHECK.
The state Environmental Protection Department says parents should have no concerns about their children’s water and food consumption at school.
I know someone who met David Blaine when she was moving to NYC literally, like, unloading stuff from the U Haul and carrying it into her building. He introduced himself, asked her for a quarter, and handed it back to her with a bite mark in it.
Oh, Courtney, honey. You need to be original in order to stay relevant (or rather be marginally relevant again).
I demand that everybody stop having children altogether. Children are gross.
I have to say that I do believe that just because we CAN do a thing, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD do a thing. To have this life threatening surgery and have to take rejection drugs that could affect a fetus as well as the woman herself, is such an over the top risk. Yes, most women want to experience pregnancy and…
Can we just get it in our heads that it is not solely the duty of infertile people to carry the burden of our foster care systems? This woman has already adopted three anyways, but it seems like whenever an infertile person seeks to birth a biological child there are a bunch of people just waving their hands around…
Strong inbuilt need to pass on ones own genes to the point of a transplant? That desire is called selfishness to think her genes are that important.
“I have prayed that God would allow me the opportunity to experience pregnancy”
Except that everything they said turned out to be true and all the science they practiced actually worked. Except for that they were frauds?
LOL, “scientists.”