
Almost 23 years since I last had a baby and I still have problems with sex because of my hip ligaments getting jacked up because of pregnancy =( All of a sudden my hip will be like NOPE and there went sexytimes.

Your blood volume increases and your blood also has to start circulating through the placenta, as well as all kinds of hormone level shifts, up and down, and it really can be a rollercoaster.

God would likely be offended by that characterization but I will gladly take it.

Jez recaps are why I started watching this show for the first time two weeks ago. I have never developed such a quick obsession in my life. You are doing the lord’s work.

Last night, the Bachelor became the best comedy on television, and the actresses knew it. Have you ever tried to have a serious conversation with someone about your relationship in a hurricane while your hair (now one big knot) blows constantly in your face? How could Emily have kept a straight face and not laughed


I had better not see one damn person dressed as a “sexy” black panther next halloween...

I have no idea if he did it or not, he very well could have. My thing is more that I don’t buy the prosecution’s suggested motive for the killing. It was all so....over-dramatic, with undercurrents of Islamaphobia and stereotypes about Muslim kids of immigrant parents. Without that motive, where is the explanation for

Thought processes following these things are always such a mixed bag.

i want their wedding to outshine KK 3rd wedding, because we don’t know how her 4rth will be

Oh man, it just keeps getting better. I never ever ever want Rob and Chyna to break up.

Somehow Kanye’s latest tweets pushed this whole thing from sad and trashy and kind of gross to high comedy for me.

I think that is how you’re supposed to feel. Murder shouldn’t be entertainment. However, these stories show a very important part of how our justice system works (or doesn’t work). Also, the conflict between how one feels about the people in the context of what they may or may have not done is how we should all feel.

Heidi: “You ripped the heart out of my soul”. Huh?

Pssst, Kanye. Your wife didn’t become famous for cancer research. At least Amber Rose owns her past, where as your wife pretends hers didn’t exist.

Amber Rose was never going to passively let herself be molded into anything by this wannabe Pygmalion. And he can’t get over it.

They wouldn’t be for me either, but for her, I would guess she probably likes the effect.

WTF Cara Delevingne? I love dogs but this is beyond the pale ridiculous entitled behavior bringing that poor puppy to a Chanel show. Unfair to the people who had to clean up the pee, unfair to the people who worked hard to create the set, unfair to the dog who deserved a day in the park, not a fashion show with a

So should Ken Burns and his daughter not have made the documentary about the Central Park 5, since they couldn’t get interviews with the police and prosecutors that put them away and continued to say that they were guilty after another guy confessed 15 years later? There was a story to be told here, and they told it.

Here’s the thing, though- they reached out to Halbach’s family to try to talk to them for the documentary, and they flat out refused to participate. So did the prosecution and the police. The only people who agreed to participate were the Averys. So of course it’s going to focus on that part of the story when those