
They get "it".

To any techie that doesn't understand why Steve Jobs deserves all the recognition and accolades he's recieving: Steve jobs is the greatest technological mind of our time...

My move to metro or virgin is nigh.

Finally some one with common sense. See my comment above.

I DISAGREE. The patent system on kills innovation for companies that don't actually innovate.

Believe it or not Hp/Palm has some mind share buried in all of us.

*sighI Before this happened I was watchin and said to myself, Android isn't ready for primetime. Then it happened and I said Android isn't ready fror primetime. Then I see this article and said Android isn't ready for primetime.

Last I hear Japan had no cell reception....All the major carriers are offering free call to a place where calls can't be made.

I concur..

I can not wait to get home!!!!!!!!

AirPlay is essentially "wide" open now.

Wow three replies? And..

"To be honest - Yes, I use 'true multi-tasking'. I play online poker while browsing the web. I record my guitar and vocals on my phone while playing audio from my phone (hooked up to an amp+speaker ofc)."

Either you a huge liar like most Android users or you're very lucky to have a device that's worked "perfectly". My experience with the Droid X tells me that out of the box Android is pure unadulterated garbage. I'm being serious.

Yes I have, and I hated every minute of it as a matter of fact. It's unfinished PERIOD. They can put all the lipstick (apps, specs, tron graphics, 3d) on the pig as they want, but the tail is still curly.

All you have to do to upset Android fans is tell the truth. You did what I was not going to do which was explain the obvious to these people as far iOS multitasking from day 1.

Thank you. I thought every one knew these things.

LOL- Even the signs are still in "beta" ;)

Android hasn't leap frogged iOS in any way, shape, form, or fashion my friend. The features you mention are add on features that are not "needed". iOS has multitasked from day 1. And basically if people WANT the other features you speak there's jailbreak.