
IMO yes.

So basically more lipstick on an unfinished pig(let). Let's put this simply:

I too agree. Its unfinished hardware and software. Who'd be dumb enough to buy something like that? Not I.

Obvious Android is Android.


HP has the best thing going right now in the tablet space. ...If Apple doesn't make huge improvements to the areas pointed out in this article I'll buy a TouchPad plain and simple.

Caller: "Can you hear me now?"


I guess I was wrong...Today they announced they are "copying" HP Palms "touch to share" technology. Google becomes more laughable by the day. Soo maybe tomorrow they'll get around to the battery.

Sooo many companies are going to lose money on tablets it aint even funny. ESPECIALLY those make Android tabs. I don't see how these CEO's don't realize the copy cat devices and gimmicks don't sell products. HP/Palm and Apple will have the best tabs hands down.

Apple is ahead of the curve again. Tomorrow we'll see Google's "me too"patent.

Reposting stuff like this wont get you to any product announcements any time soon IMO.

To me it boils down to Android being half baked (no pun here). People say its ahead of iOS and stuff like this proves them totally wrong. An iPhone 3GS runs Netflix perfectly. To have dual core phones incapable of running Netflix is nothing short of lunacy. GOOGLE should be ashamed of this incomplete product that is

Gross yet fascinating...

Dude you are the biggest Android apologist. There's no excuse for this.

She was looking for golden brown and got char grilled bwuhahahahahaha!

They didn't want to get lost in the sea of Android mediocracy, and with MS they can actually make money. They don't want to be giving away the hardware like they'd have to do with Android. Android is giving carriers the control back like they had before 2007. Who wants that? I don't.

And here I was hoping they'd bundle the phone and tablet for cheaper than that? Cmon HP be smart about this!

This is the tablet to beat. Synergy is slick! WebOS is slick. Hardware is slick. Best all around tablet to be announced.

IMO HP/ PALM hit a home run today and Android better duck. WebOs has actual players coming to the plate now and they are BOTH on steroids. The Touchpad will be the best tablet available if it beats iPad 2 too market (There's still not and Android Tablet worth buying), and maybe afterward. And I'd rock the Pre 3