The Mysterious S

the problem with todays bigots is that they don't think they are bigots. they accept the premise that bigotry is bad, and since they don't think of themselves as bad people (because really, who does?), then it follows that they cannot be bigots. hence, any ill will they hold toward any group of people can easily be

likewise, I will start a magazine documenting my attempts to use old NES consoles to generate electricity.

if there is a God, one thing is for sure: I'll be he just loves it when people hide behind their religion to justify hating his children.

I think the word you're looking for is "infamous". for example, you wouldn't say "the legendary Jeffrey Dahmer", unless you admired him.

actually, one reason explosive devices are so popular in the middle east is because the manufacture and sale of many conventional explosives is either completely unregulated, or effectively unregulated thanks to governments that lack the resources to regulate them effectively. in the US conventional explosives are

that's because you're just a poor boy from a poor family.

well I have always heard it characterized as a preference for modesty in framing modesty, independent of his own modest means. whether or not that's essentially a poor man boasting that he prefers the simple life merely because he hasn't access to anything else, well that can be debated. but this article specifically

Panic! At The Penis

actually, Van Gogh kinda famously preferred to use cheap frames for his work.

he's very particular.

it's that thing of where you rub chalk on your genitals before practicing your routine on the parallel bars.

when you win big at Clams Casino you might get a little shellfish.

the bible is the work of many hands, and that is why the bible often contradicts itself. as such, it is no different from any central religious text. it teaches values of peace and loving thy neighbor. it also teaches values of war, and killing the heathen. to say it as a whole is one thing is disingenuous. that's

of the three, it's Banderas who has done most of the aging.

it doesn't matter. you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

“Everyday [read: Christian] people will not stand for this, they know bullying and violation of religious freedom when they see it,” reads one such petition launched by the Christian shopping guide Faith Driven Consumer

"now I've been hearin' alot of talk about whether Homosexuality is really ready for Tuesday night's big fight against Heterosexuality in Madison Square Garden. they say Heterosexuality is a more experienced fighter, and has a bigger fanbase, they say Homosexuality only won it's first fight against Bisexuality because

that's some good ol' fashioned title-trolling right there.

either I've never had properly prepared duck, or I just don't like duck, but I tend to disagree.

if quadrophonic stereos taught us anything (aside from wait awhile and maybe you can re-purpose the idea as surround sound for those people who don't mind arranging their entire living rooms around providing an optimal auditory experience for the one person seated in the sweet-spot, and then inviting all of their