
You have to kill monsters, which are also giant walking mazes, and there are only boss fights and everything is haunting and beautiful and tragic. It was unlike any other game I’ve played and it’s one game that’s really stuck with me for years. Ah, fond memories.

Well now I feel sad.

“This is a yuuge surprise!” Said no one ever.

I mean, people COULD watch the NHL playoffs if they like exciting playoff action.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

THATS IT! You’ve found the solution. Marijuana needs to start sponsoring things, then once the ginger hammer discovers that marijuana can make the NFL money, he’ll be all in.

Such is the cost of perpetual disappointment.

The best explanation I heard was that his leg basically became 3 separate entities, tethered only by the flesh around them: Upper leg, knee, lower leg. Don’t have any sources, so take it with a dose of salt.

I skipped most of the words, why is Bill Gates drinking a giant can of beer?

Take what you can get, I suppose.

Go Wild is the answer you’re looking for.

Agreed - but that’s how the Kings won both their cups wasn’t it? Got hot late as a low seed and ran the table, if I recall. If they keep playing like they did against the Hawks I don’t see any reason to doubt they can do that to anyone. Doesn’t mean they will, but they have the potential.

I’m always happy to see the Blackhawks get some comeuppance. It’d be better if we weren’t about to go the same way in 5 games.

-A Wild Fan

Anything that can be done with a single hand immediately gets a boost, as the other hand can then be occupied by a beverage. Also, slip and slides can be great entertainment, provided you build your own adult sized one. (Added bonus - adult slip and slide can be done one handed.)

The first season (correctly predicted as during the Bush Administration) was good! I enjoyed it. But then the season-long, carefully constructed and carried-out plot to escape prison... inevitably failed. Because next season. I was so disappointed in the finale (which, really, I should have seen coming) that I gave up

I think the key thing is that while GWB was not a very good president, he seemed like a pretty decent guy. President Soggy Cheeto on the other had is a very bad president who happens to be a narcissistic, egomaniacal sociopath with severe emotional issues* and zero ability to actually do this job.


Thank you. I am much lazy.

God he’s just too damn good to just let him rip from there.


Caps won in OT. I blame the cheap shot for removing one of the better Wild players. But I’m also a fan so I’m biased.