
Eat s**t you communist scum.

The only reason Sean O'Neal doesn't like Brann's Steakhouse is because it doesn't serve his favorite dish, the sweat from Michael Moore's ball sack.

Believe me… It was… I couldn't last 20 minutes. I left while the fat slob lead was choking down a 3000 calorie breakfast and whining about his daddy issues… (puke).

It's not nearly that good. House had a formula that worked. The shows always started with a good hook that got you interested. This pilot show is terrible. If that's the best they've got, then I can't see it lasting even one full season.

No kidding. I'd rather have a show staring Dennis Haysbert as an eccentric detective. Dump that fat whiny slob. Where'd they find that idiot lead actor anyway, a second tier comedy troupe?

No kidding.

I was really looking forward to this show. I was hoping it would be like House in a police setting; so I put it on season record. Watched the first 20 minutes, turned it off, and canceled the season record. I could tell right away that it doesn't have a proper hook formula for a good show nor proper interaction

I know you're going to reject with your progtard debate techniques, but the site is backed up with actual research and video evidence, but, of course, facts don't matter to your kind. So FU and live with the crappy future you're making.

Well, if you get targeted for a violent crime by a black person or persons simply because you are white, they won't be charged with a hate crime. In fact, they may not be charged at all. That is the norm now in many US cities.

Because I loathe the way progressives "think", and the fact that people could sit around debating and actually concluding it's right to compel someone to screw a pig to save a royal speaks volumes as to how demented and sick you all are. And the Obama administration is chock full of people who, in fact, hate white

It comes down to this:

You're an idiot. It's as simple as that. At no time have you been able to grasp that if person A commits and crime against person B and then demands that person C has their human rights violated in order to "save" person B, person D has no right to force person C to comply nor does person C have any obligation to

Then you shag the pig, scumbag… Tell us how noble you feel afterward. And if you don't do it, then it's "your fault" she's dead.

You must be a troll, a sociopath, or an utter fool. Because 1) an innocent person whose got nothing to do with the kidnapping nor the murder cannot be held accountable for either crimes and 2) there's no guarantee the kidnapper will keep their word nor should any action be based on that assumption.

That's a crock. It isn't. You have no right to demand someone destroy themselves like that. That's a great way to let evil control everything. Guess that's why the UK is such a ball-less crap hole now. What a horrible way to think.

Fine, you go screw a pig to save some Royal's life. It's the fault of the murderer that she would be dead; not you for refusing to shag a pig.

Totally agree. It would never happen. It would be just an egregious violation of the PM's civil rights as the princess's. And it probably violates animal cruelty laws as well. It took a sick mind to dream that episode up.

In the summary, you missed the part where the PM's marriage was destroyed by the ordeal. His wife would no longer have sex with him. That part is shown in the credits.