
If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. It is okay and completely understandable to not be totally enthusiastic (or ambivalent) about his interest in re-connecting with you. Even if he is your dad, he doesn't hold some sort of spiritual key that will help you unlock the secrets behind your problems; don't fall for that

If you have a second person to take care of your dogs, I say go for it—a dog leash for each hand!

This school has really high admissions standards, right?

For the record, Beyonce's 31. #justsayin

Yes, yes we do.

You're right, and luckily we don't live near each other. I haven't seen him or her in 3+ years, but he has gone through periods of calling me when he's away from her just to chat. Hasn't happened in a while, and I hope I don't hear from him.

My ex from college married a truly insufferable woman—brags constantly about her degrees and intelligence, "corrects" people's comments in conversation, and makes tons of cutting remarks. When I saw her last at a dinner function, she remarked that I "ate a lot" (I'm overweight and sensitive about it), and I think

I would simply stop trying—no more refused invites, no more asking mutual friends for their opinion—and just be civil. There's obviously other people you can talk to at parties and in your circle of friends.

Search online for Yankee Candle's Happy Halloween candle—it's licorice/anise scented. The combo you 're looking for seems to be a bit rare, but you can pair it with a vanilla candle, etc.

I'm not sure if your protestations are because you don't want to feel indebted to the professor(s), even if it's just for a few dollars, if you feel as if it sends an inappropriate/inaccurate message to fellow students or other professors, or if you just have a hard time letting people do things like this for you;

I recently tried a Softcup, and couldn't get it out; after an hour of extreme panicking and consulting the Internet, I finally got it out. I think these tampon alternatives are great, but I'm sticking to the old school gear.

Mind Grapes Ice Cream with chunks of Mango-tory Lemon (Night) Cheese-cake

Wow, crazy story. I feel like I was staring at the future of this friendship. Thanks for sharing.

She thinks her life is more stressful and painful than mine, which is somewhat true: she has difficult twin toddlers who run/ruin (sorry, being honest) her life, she is isolated in the suburbs, etc. Since she's had her kids, I have had to come to her.

A friend of mine moved to the burbs a few months ago (had kids, wanted a backyard, etc. etc.), and has made it clear that coming to the city to see me will never happen unless she has to drive in for another reason. In the beginning, she assumed I had no problem getting on a commuter train (the station is an hour from


I don't get coffee or dine out if I can't afford the price plus tip. Stop eating out with this friend of yours; if she asks why you're declining her invites, be blunt and tell her why. She may be grateful for the kick in the pants.

My dear mother would have called Georg a "Father What-a-Waste."

YES, THIS. Seconded. Mormons are some of the most naive, unassuming people I've ever met, so if Te'o was duped, I'd believe it in a heartbeat.

Obv something is rotten in Denmark. I just think that if Te'O *was* swindled by this person, it wouldn't surprise me much because of the culture of LDS. The more I read, the more I think this was an engineered storyline to deflect attention from his possible sexual orientation, or a ploy for pity.