
Lana del Rey sounds like a shitty Nico married to an even shittier Dusty Springfield.

Dammit, I want one!!

Tori has written many songs about her several miscarriages (1998's "From the Choirgirl Hotel" is often cited as an entire album devoted to the topic)—and also wrote about it in her book Piece by Piece, which was coauthored by Ann Powers (who didn't mention that on her Twitter, it seems)...

Agreed on stating the dosage needed—that information is crucial! Dr. Gomperts is an MD, you'd think she would include this...

I have a feeling this kid will be overdressed and tone-deaf. Let the games begin.

Blue Ivy sounds like a porn star. However, I'm glad "Dereon" was left behind in the naming pool.

It's only a matter of time before B releases a children's album. No guesting from Jay-Z please.

When the oldest kid in my family, my sister, was born, my Italian immigrant grandparents were happy. When my mother had another girl, they didn't even bother coming to the hospital. When my mother had her next baby, a boy, they were all fanfare and excitement. LAME!

At the end when Bella opens her eyes from her death/rebirth sequence as a vampire, some teenager sitting a few rows back yells "It's RAINING MEN!" at the top of her lungs.

Look at the timeline of when Lara Logan was actually sexually assaulted—it occurred a week AFTER Bill Maher made the joke about exchanging her for EH on his show (he made the joke after Logan was released from an Egyptian jail). Just saying—she disguised the facts well throughout her confrontational exchange with

What irks me most about OF is that their "DJ," Syd the Kyd, is a lesbian. She just stands there working on her decks while her bandmates talk about raping women and assaulting gay people. I'm sure she has convinced herself that "they're not talking about ME, so why does it matter?"

To quote my spiritual advisor, comedian Chris Rock: "What, you wanna look innocent in jail? I'd rather look guilty at the mall."

I've always been overweight, but gained a lot more weight in the last couple of years (personal stuff makes me head for the snack food, what can I say). I've had some terrible interactions—a doctor who launched into a "if you don't lose weight, XYZ will happen" tirade rather than discuss the reason why I actually was

I've been doing WW for the last couple of months. I've been a member several times before in different versions of the program, and I really like the current one. It's the best one so far.

I wonder how many of these women still are actually Kris's friends. And where's Nicole Brown? =(

My mother successfully sued her boss for sexual harassment about 15 years ago, and received $25,000; the people in the EEOC office in our state told her that was the largest financial award they had ever seen a plaintiff get. Even if this Missouri woman's award gets lowered, it'll be leaps and bounds beyond what her

@ChaiLatte: I had a close friend who completely disappeared when she met her boyfriend, and before that she would proclaim how important "her girls" were to her, and that she'd never blow them off for a guy. Bullroar!

"You will not be getting a car or a treat." Sounds belittling.

Jeez, no one's mentioned that Kris looks like Khloe?

Ed Helms was so underused in this episode. #woe