
I did improv in Chicago for a mere three years and that mirroring game between Garth and Kat was a common warmup exercise.

This happened LAST WEEK?

Also, get your medical stuff in order. If you've put off physicals, getting a suspicious-looking mole removed, etc. DO IT NOW.

I've known addicts in my lifetime—a few of whom were incredibly desperate for help to get sober—and none of them tried Scientology as a remedy. With all of these (likely) grossly inflated statistics, I wonder who (other than Kirstie Alley) has benefited from Scientology and wasn't asked to hand over their life savings

You've got to hand it to Michelle and Barack for always being the bigger people and never responding to these ankle biters—he's got Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck obsessing over his every move, and she's got a bunch of fashion designers telling her what to wear. No one wins except them—and I can't wait to vote for Barack

The best holiday movie for single people ever.