
I thought I was gong crazy there when they never corrected Eclipse as an answer and figured I had missed something. Good to know that it was the clue-writers fault.

Currently playing Deus Ex (the original). I've made it to the Paris catacombs; so far I'm having a great time with it, though my gosh are the accents terrible.

I was actually shocked that 2001 was nominated for best screenplay. As much as it's a classic and a landmark and all that, I don't think that the writing was really its strength.

Completely forgot about Degrassi and Kids. Was SCTV a CBC show, or was that on a different channel?

The ear/nose/throat category and the new supergroups category were absolutely terrible. Overall that was one of the least interesting episodes of Jeopardy in a while.

Have any CBC shows ever crossed over and become notable internationally? I can't remember a case where this happened, but I feel like it must have, at some point.

You mean the cryptic historical puzzles that you would find on the sides of buildings? A lot of people hated those, but I absolutely loved them.

Great write-up; this show sounds absolutely fascinating, can't believe that I hadn't heard of it before. I really do wish that a cable network like AMC or FX would try their hand at an anthology series; I think there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with the format, and with TV having attracting bigger names

Oh my gosh, the meditation mechanic in those games is awful. I'm fine with it for levelling up, but for potions and alchemy it's just incredibly tedious.

The following-people-around missions in Assassin's Creed are terrible, and one of the (several) mechanics that they either need to rethink or jettison altogether. I'm three games into that series, and while on the whole I like them a lot (especially the second one), each entry has been a weird mix of brilliance (see:

For some reason, I actually liked the darts mini-game. I honestly don't know why, because it was technically terrible and a complete waste of time. That being said, yeah, the bowling was terrible (actually, dates as a whole were terrible, and I completely stopped going on them about 1 hour into the game).

That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. Unfortunately I've only got New Vegas for PS3. I might pick up the PC version on sale one of these days just to try out some mods (plus, it's my favourite Bethesda game. Well, favourite Bethesda-style game, I guess, since it's actually by Obsidian).

My goodness, I was so happy when that happened. I love Freddie as a character, but hate her as a person and it's fantastic when people tell her to shove it.

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna try that Skyrim mod that starts you at a random location next time I make a new character.

I did prefer the flow of the combat in the second game, but I really missed the overhead tactical view from the first. Of course, if you didn't play either on PC then it wouldn't have made much of a difference.

In a way, this would be the best-case scenario, because I could binge-watch the crap out of Hannibal.

According to TV by the Numbers it's doing pretty horribly so far, unfortunately. I'm hoping that once again the overseas numbers will help it.

Slightly off-topic, but I just wanted to express how much I love Dragon Age II. Yeah, it was incredibly flawed, and the gameplay was much better in the first game, but I loved the world-building and the risks that the devs took with the story-telling.

I agree that tutorials, handled well, can be a great way to set the scene and got you into the mood of the game before you start playing. Valve tends to be really good at them, now that I think about it.

Bethesda tutorials in general get really irritating whenever you want to start up a new character; this is why I appreciated New Vegas so much for just letting you go with a minimum of fuss. That being said, I did love FO3's tutorial a lot the first time around, so I'll give that one a pass (Oblivion's horrible