I don't know about anyone else, but reading the reviews for Blacklist here was the most entertaining part of the show for me, and I'll greatly miss them now that they're gone.
I don't know about anyone else, but reading the reviews for Blacklist here was the most entertaining part of the show for me, and I'll greatly miss them now that they're gone.
Yeah, though the characters and dialogue are generally quite well done, the mysteries themselves just got ridiculously convoluted. That was particularly an issue for me in the Law School case, which just kept piling on twists to the point that I couldn't take any of it seriously any more.
I too am playing through Dual Destinies (I'm on the…4th case? I think? The astronaut one), and while I am generally enjoying myself the stories have frequently ventured too far into the absurd for me. The Yokai one was definitely an example of this.
Man, Jacob is just the worst. He didn't do anything to really irritate me, but he was so bland that I specifically avoided talking to him for most of ME2.
I finished The Witcher 2, which was absolutely fantastic, though looking at screenshots of the third game I imagine that really going to have to (significantly) upgrade my computer to even consider playing it. Ah well, the second game was wonderful, a couple of shoddily-designed levels aside, and I appreciated the…
Just finished the Copycat episode and yes, Dead Buried Dermot Mulroney is amazing.