
Delighted to hear it; I’m not saying runtime is the core problem with blockbusters these days, but the number I’ve watched whose scripts can barely sustain those 2.5 hour lengths has certainly made it a prime culprit. Keen it lean, keep it pacy.

Almost every film he makes raise the bar in some way, usually with wildly successful results. And yet, when that happens no one making the movie is ever really in danger—except for Cameron himself on his third film, The Abyss, which at the time was his most ambitious."

I thought Ed Harris punched Cameron in the face because he himself almost drowned.

Oh, he’s talking about drowning. I thought maybe he was talking about how Ed Harris punched him in the face for almost letting Mary Elizabeth Masterantonio drown.

Wow, someone got triggered!

I hope the Bond rumor is bunk. The whole impetus behind the entire Craig era was trying to do a Nolan Bond. And it only worked for two movies out of 5. Can we move on?

its called the Enterprise(2001) Maneuver

Let’s talk about the bigger controversy: Crusher calling Riker “Bill” instead of “Will”! 

Yikes... I love Frakes and I trust him, but I felt like Disco finally grew up in the 4th season. The story ended up being all about going to strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations, solving a problem with brains instead of pew pew... it’s going to be a bummer if we roll all that progress back.

All the cool kids are flat earthers now.

There’s something incredibly fascinating about Season One of Picard that it spends half the run getting a team of interesting characters together and then in the back half it didn’t really know why it needs these characters to be together.

elnor was a *fantastic* character and it seemed they just didn’t know how to use him, so they sidelined him, killed him and then brought him back. so weird.

Also “appropriation.” Like, man, you were hired to make a Batman movie based on work by a bunch of other people going all the way back to the 1930s. Nobody appropriated your work, because Batman wasn’t yours to begin with.

HARD pass on Picard Jr. Ugh.

Agreed, have the TNG crew be ancillary characters. Also bring back Soji!

Low stakes Ocean’s 11 style-heist film in the Star Wars Galaxy lead by Lando and Han in Danny and Rusty’s roles sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.

I’m not really sure why Solo got panned so badly. It wasn’t amazing, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as some made it out to be. Glover and Alden Ehrenreich were both pretty good in it, IMO.

Sticking with a big focus on Black Manta’s dumb vendetta then. Nothing wrong with wanting vengeance on his dad’s killer in theory (it’s worked fine in the comics), but the way it played out in the film left no legitimate reason for him to hold Aquaman responsible. It was a total Darwin Award situation — the only

Oh David, David, David... read the room buddy, I’m begging you.

I’ve thought for a long time that the ideal template for a DCU already exists - the DCAU. It started with just Batman, then we started to flesh out the rest of the Bat-Family, then Superman comes along, we get World’s Finest and then the world expands to the core Justice League and finally the entirety of that world