
I think attempting to apply any type of realistic standard of what is “mature” to a genre of fiction, especially comic books, is an exercise in futility. I don’t need to know how Superman flies or how Green Lanterns ring really works and I don’t need to apply trauma psychology to Batman. It’s ridiculous.

“...Bruce is still struggling to cope with the death of his parents.”

Oh yeah. I can see how directing a reboot of a low budget comedy completely qualifies a person or a team of people to direct a multi gazillion dollar spectacle. Super job, DC. Stay consistent with those winning ways.

So, why don’t we make people pay double for an annotated Blu Ray with these preposterous explanations on a commentary that plays over every scene to completely eliminate all sense of wonder when watching the film?

I think we’ve reached peak superhero deconstruction, myself. The deeper you look, the more glaring the very obvious weaknesses in the genre become.

While he reduces every discussion to, “And if everyone would abandon every value system except science the world would be awesome!”

I’m pretty over this new “Film maker post-hypes and hype-splains film via social media” thing. You made the movie. Let it speak for itself.