The Honeybadger

Ahem.... you were the first to utilize snowflake as an attack on me..

I love you pulling FDR out , that man did more to screw this country than most combined, just starting with the SSA... but you wouldn’t understand why so its ok, you just keep on pouring my coffee for me at the drive thru. And take a shower for Christ’s sake you dirty hipster

I don’t need to believe its just the truth... and all you snowflakes are offering up is excuses for why people are lazy or just don’t care about their station in life. When we have had a restaurant owned and operated in this country by a man with Down Syndrome i have little sympathy for fully functional citizens not

since they have no aspirations for upgrading their life yes... yes i am happy, They can go fetch me a large coffee. Most kids who have aspirations higher than flipping burgers will have worked their butts off in high school and likely gotten scholarships, so that cuts down on your figures right there, secondly the

You obviously don’t realize that most of these jobs are not meant to be final career choices.. they are stepping stones, either while getting an education for a real career or later going into management training at said fast food joints... where the managers actually do make goo money and nice benefits... no sympathy

All of these replies regarding lopping off fingers with a sharp knife illustrate your needs to learn how to dice and cut in the kitchen...

Otium wireless headphone code is expired....

Otium wireless headphone code is expired....

Someone needs to visit the spa and get that cellulitis taken care of... my eyes are burning now.

I wonder do you think she compares them with GAGA’s?

you sir are a gem...and as someone that works in healthcare you are very right on both posts... you can not legislate the masses of people that are abusing these drugs for their recreation.... make them all mandatory organ donors and make their lives count for something

This statement from the investigators is correct. All those complaining of the tires please submit the evidence of the tires being” degraded or old”. As a former technician for a prominent Porsche dealership who sold over 10 of these cars I can tell you that it doesn’t matter if the tires are brand new or on their

Here is suggestion for what to do when you put diesel in your gas tank... go ahead and drive into a brick wall cause you are have to willingly and purposefully put the wrong fuel in your vehicle in this instance.... the size of the hole in a gas tank is smaller than the size of the nozzle at the pump for a

I find the comment about” another company beating their record” funny since both lambo and Porsche are under the VW umbrella

Darwin award received

given that they specifically point out that they were using the supercharger network and not paying to charge when explaining the Tesla costs for maintenance and running i would gather that the 70k and 80+k include fuel costs. given a very generous 17 mpg average for either car and driving 300k miles this gives us

FYI everybody that Official posts from Dyson state that WOOT is not a certified refurb dealer... and they don’t sell refurb at your own risk

FYI everybody that Official posts from Dyson state that WOOT is not a certified refurb dealer... and they don’t sell

This is gloriously funny... this is why you don’t leave running an HOA up to the dumb-masses of the neighborhood without oversight...should have paid a CAM to run the day to day and this never would have happened..

sure it is...well that and the fact that who cares and the writers here are simple race baiters just like sharpton and article... bring back Obama so blacks can get their food stamps back

true... but it is not always Porsche’s fault for the higher pricing in other countries... you must remember import taxes vary from place to place as well as taxes based on engine size etc...

you get paid to write this shit? and whats wrong your hipster beard gonna catch on fire if you put the cheese on the burger while its still on the grill?