The Honeybadger

Absolutely spot on, I too worked at a Porsche dealer, one of the most renowned as far as names go, and the exporter issue was huge. while some replying think it shouldn’t matter where the money comes from it is a massive issue... like severe fine, delivery cuts, or loss of franchise when it comes to going against the

most new vehicles do have a central unit for processing data, its called a gateway control unit. it manages all the information to and from separate units that need to talk to each other... if you want software to run everything then good luck getting anything fixed, we technicians that live in the real world can’t

Nah Bruh Zero fucks given here about your stupidity... but again thanks for playing, enjoy your grandmothers basement tho

you sir obviously have never met a German engineer... The KISS method is further than Pluto in their list of vocabulary.... for them the more obtuse and over complicated the better.

As some one who owns a “dirty diesel”... and also was a tech for porsche for over 9 years let me tell you... first clean diesel was only created thanks to the EPA and California’s Clean Air Board in the US... I prefer my dirty diesel because A it works, B its far more efficient than the comparable gas engine...and at

Triggered much? and secondly you shouldn’t talk so rudely about your father.. he brought you into this world.... unfortunately

Not one point you raise could be refuted.. love it keep it up... and totally agree with your points

Epic fucking burn upon Giz with this ... love it keep it up

So the Porsche is a better track car than the corvette..... the times are about the same as usual then.

I have to say this list is total bullshit. I have a new Explorer with their LED low beam headlights and they work great and provide plenty of depth to their lighting... must have utilized old fuckers with cataracts to measure these vehicles.

umm. pretty sure he definitely was seeking attention... more over tried to use situations to promote his “blackness from the hood” which is quite far from the truth, guy needs to get the silver spoon from his asshole and dig into the steamer he laid on top of his career. His lack of a job is all on him

FYI if you order the Sonos speakers from Crutchfield you get the discount, free shipping, 60 days for returns and lifetime tech support

FYI if you order the Sonos speakers from Crutchfield you get the discount, free shipping, 60 days for returns and

not not like Congressionally mandated subsidized fuck the banks and proper citizens who know what they can and can’t afford socialism... real capitalism... where supply and demand are truly utilized... Porsche doesn’t like this then stop making these cars, make more of them for these “drivers” they care so much about,

Bravo Telecaster.... couldn’t have said it better....

News flash....

These facts are from your Obama run government from 2015 so they might as well be the word of your heathen Antichrist god. standard liberal fare... deny the facts and put off the argument to something else rather than deal with the truth. and who is the troll now? yes look in your shattered snowflake mirror it’s you.

A-fucking-men brother... so tired of this class warfare bullshit... you know what assholes, you don’t like your station in life, you don’t like flipping burgers for 9.76 an hr... fucking study work hard go to school learn a trade anything other than sit and fucking bitch about how some rich guy is putting you down

Progressive.... socialist... all shades of the same color trying to bring down the greatness of our country. And no it is not easier to get into this country if you are white. That is a ridiculous statement given that so many of those that emigrate to this country are latinos, asians, indians, etc....

Still here... these bitches still need to put the dick down.

Spoken like a true socialist without the balls to own up to his belief. and for your information it doesn’t matter what color you are it’s hard to get into this country as it should be. You think it’s hard to emigrate as a Mexican? try being a white Canadian... they fucking opened the flood gates for Mexicans with no