
Here's another one:


Everybody right now.

It is absolutely stunning. Between Aston Martin and the new Jaguar F-Type, the Brits have perfect proportions covered.

But the Corvette does it with nearly four times the power. Makes it all the more impressive from the little Beemer!

And yet another expert goes down in flames. 😃

Says the person who obviously doesn't know what a canard is.

Kill it with fire!

It would be hilarious to show up for a LeMons race with that hauler & gear.

I see an unopened copy of "how to run a successful F1 team" on the shelf in the picture.

Communism is a heck of a racket.

You morons. You release a great enthusiast car, and then follow it up with a poorly educated dealer chain, zero updates/refreshes, no performance models, no convertible models to up your profit margin...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Did you think this was gonna just glide to success on its own merits? That everyone would…

Just the worst.

I never joke about my work, 007...

"Speed limits are for little people."

BMW 2002tii - The template for the sports sedan.

But Cars & Coffee this Sunday so....

I like the X5 M for the sheer lunacy of it. I also like the looks of it. This...thing on the other hand? It hurts my eyes and brain to look at it.

You are drunk.

I hate these cars and everything they stand for.