
My God what I would give to have this much fun, rather it be host or driver, to do what these guys do and make a living at it......!

This whole thing is like jacking off into a fan for Democrats: It may be temporarily super satisfying, but it’s turning into a real fucking mess.

Deep cover. We have officers who dressup as homeless people to check for cell phones.

I would slow down, just to ensure the wind coming off my truck didn’t blow her halter top down, causing a subsequent motorist to be subjected to the eye bleaching moment which ensued.

Can I say Fake News? This is what’s supposed to be referred to as Fake News, right? Intentional falsification or misleading, rather than “I don’t like it”.

We just got a powdercoat booth at school, so I decided to powdercoat the og BMW 2002 steelies. I’ve never enjoyed steel wheels as much as I do now.

Let’s all just take a minute to marvel at the craftsmanship behind this trolling. It’s a perfect little trap designed to spiral completely off topic into a 50 post hate-fueled thread.

You forgot bribes.

He’s a vindictive midget, he needs to disappear pronto.

I’ll never feel too bad for an octogenarian billionaire who still bangs supermodels like a Viagra and Scotch fueled badger on his 200ft yacht.

Honestly, from the top image I was half expecting...

correct way to merge, but dont cut a long line of cars to do it. That exit ramp had a line already formed way back at the start of the video. He skipped the entire line because “mr important was running late”

Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.

And how long have we been hearing that the Honda Jet was “almost ready for production”?

Honda is out of F1, again, after this season.

No... Um, yeah.... It looks super cool.

Different Celica, I know- But are poorly routed lines a thing now?