
Sadly, I can vouch for this danger. I was on some uneven garden steps that were wood frames filled in with gravel. The next step up was quite a bit higher than the one before it, so I tripped, fell, and broke my nose a couple steps up. It was... not fun. I can see how if it were brick and/or slippery, you could also

I met Chloe Zhao last September at a film thing, and saw the rider, and I have to say she is one of the most interesting, engaging, thoughtful people I have met. I’m beyond happy she is getting such credit for her film - she deserves it!

You too?!?! I thought I was the only one! That Benefit They’re Real mascara made me lose so many lashes! It was really upsetting to look in the mirror after washing my face to find eyelashes scattered all over.

You too?!?! I thought I was the only one! That Benefit They’re Real mascara made me lose so many lashes! It was

That’s honestly my makeup nightmare. I’ll see eyeliner reviews where people are raving about it and they say “It didn’t even come off with makeup remover!” and I’m over here like.... I want it to come off though. Not immediately, but at the end of the day when I wash my face? Yes.

That’s honestly my makeup nightmare. I’ll see eyeliner reviews where people are raving about it and they say “It

Boys becoming men! Men becoming wolves!

No. The previous commenter is mistaken, and you’re a-okay for having seen it as far as I know at this point! Tarantino was not involved in the production of The Shape of Water.

THANK YOU! This is really important for people to realize, especially about how this escalates into bigger actions. This is an entire industry, with deep-rooted issues. It’s not going to change over night, and long-lasting changes require broad participation. Everyone isn’t just ready or able to dive into the deep end.

I mean, there are more than rumors. San Francisco has sent 10,000 homeless people away with a one-way bus ticket and $10 for food since 2005. The city then counts the people they bus out as having found permanent housing, in order to boost their numbers. They claim that these people are being bused back to places

Using your poshness as a self-defense technique - I like it!

I had no idea the royals had to undergo hostage situation training. It makes sense, cause they would be high-profile targets, I just never considered it. I feel like the threat of being kidnapped by terrorists is good motivation to stay in shape and learn how to fight. Plus you could totally get some secret spy

Mind if I piggyback on your tech question?

Oh boy. I am so ready for the Oscars. I hate how stupid and white and male they are, but damnit I tune in every year and have since I was a small child. This year there have been quite a few great films so here’s what I can think of off the top of my head:

See, my birthday is at the very end of January, and I love it! In the fall I have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Years spaced roughly a month apart. Then, when the holiday excitement has waned and the dreary rest of the year sets in... my birthday! Here just in time to perk me up!

TRIGGER WARNING (sexual assault)

I saw this at a festival a couple of weeks ago, and I think it’s worth seeing. That being said, the 70s child actor (the little boy) was... not great. His acting honestly took me out of the movie quite a bit and I was wishing for the little boy from Hugo (who is, of course, no longer a child). It was a really nice