The Most Humblest Ever

You're the kind of special person who would say "everyone breaks the law" when the topic is a serial killer. Sure everyone probably does break the law (speeding, jaywalking, eating a grape at the supermarket and not paying for it) but only a fucking imbecile or a really dishonest motherfucker would try to gloss over

Good for you. It's the [outrage] circle of life. I'm jumping off the circle.

Whatever man, whatever floats your boat. My point is too many people spend too much time being outraged by everything.

I just started skimming this thread and I've seen your name like 20 times. Really dude?

So much unnecessary outrage, so much useless fucking drama over a dumb joke. I am sure these comments will swell to over 1000 soon.

Why the *fuck* would you interact with people at Breitbart? You've got strange hobbies man..,

They are being an annoying turd. If that Broccoli idiot is a liberal than they are one of the liberals I hate. The fools outraged at everything who accomplish nothing at best and are harmful at worst.

To get you in a useless tizzy? Fuck man, waste your time on something else and save the outrage for more important stuff.

I am a liberal and I agree with your statement. Of course don't forget plenty of conservative snowflakes are also whining about this joke.

Yeah no. It's joke about how Trump is a tool and is Putin's toy rather than his own man.

What kind of brainless and pointless false equivalency is this? Are you dense or just trolling? What's next for you, when faced with a destructive pathological liar you will say "everyone lies" as if there isn't a huge continuum from "told two white lies" to "lies everyday for fun to destroy people."

Yes, because most evangelicals are pieces of utter shit.

I am convinced you put more thought into this than the paid writing staff on The Flash did.

I am part of the problem and I need higher standards!

"Problem is, this show doesn't seem to care about having any consistent rules of time travel, so it's all completely fucking stupid."

Watching The Flash and Shield back to back is so jarring. Shield is great, but watching The Flash before it makes Shield seem even better…

His motivation is still a mystery

Shield has had its best season ever. It is one season, but three distinct arcs. It's amazing television.

I prefer the name Barrytard. Unless they do a great job of explaining his motivation and more importantly why he has been waiting to do certain things, Barrytard will be the dumbest most incompetent villain this show has ever had.

Barrytar storyline? More like Barrytard storyline…