The Most Humblest Ever

Indeed. I am beginning to think most of The Flash writers ride the short bus to work…

How can successful Hollywood writers be so dumb? Either dumb or think the source material is dumb so they don't try to make things make sense.

Season 1 was worth watching. Season 2 had a couple good stand alone episodes. This season, not so much.


The yogurt company?

Why so Bryan Fuller can leave yet another show? I like this guy's output but is he a total douche or something? Always bouncing around.

Oh dear. Well at least this time he (of course it is a he) has a point. At least I thought it was the same point I was making.

I'm like George Constaza, very very straight, but also can recognize when a dude is handsome

At least nerds getting too worked up about cartoon plot lines has been happening for a long time lol.

Well said!

Oh for sure call out articles can be great! But cynical turd stirring outrage pieces not so much.

Dude, just fucking admit there is a vocal bunch of fucking whiny morons who share our liberal views. This is practically self-evident.

As a very liberal person I agree. I am often embarrassed at people who share 99+% of my political views because some of them truly are professional outrage machines whose whining is completely and utterly counterproductive as you said.

Many websites have "creating and perpetuating offense" as their business model. And a lot of people who tweet seem to do it as a hobby.

Don't forget the level of clickbaity horseshit writers and/or editors will engage in to get traffic to their site. I include cynical "hot take" articles they want o go viral here…

Yeah not going read all that wankery when your older comment from earlier was already incredibly incredibly late to the conversation. So late that the conversation was dead for the two parties directly involved.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, that series was probably the most poorly written show I ever watched multiple episodes of…

Amazing nickname for Milo lol.

Yup that is obvious. So obvious I rushed to make the same comment before reading any of the comments lol.

Most people don't read anymore. Most people are also gullible fucking morons. Trump is the most obvious know-nothing con man I have ever come across.