The Most Humblest Ever

The whole fucking point of that stupid fucking ad was to submit it, get rejected, and get in the news for getting rejected.

Oh, I get it, you're concern trolling. Good to know.

So you don't know what the word "just" means too, eh?

I simply pointed out that while it may be "gross" that a man is turned on by a competent, all business, take no prisoners lady on the TV, for fuck's sake at least we'd get more roles like that on screen, which is still a good thing. Bad reason, good outcome. It's possible.

Apparently CADMUS has found a way to block it, right? That I can believe, evil organization of super genius scientists can block it, sure. But random childhood schmoe? As he kept saying he was planning this for an entire year… but… what, did he post on Craigslist about blocking telepathy and Cadmus answered!?

Oh my, the cluelessness of this one.

So you didn't bother to re-read two comments or you have a reading disability. Cool. Anyway, have a nice life.

Jesus Fucking Christ. No, that's not what is sounds like. Stop skimming, re read your post and mine and actually think about what you said and what I said in response.

Well this comment is far worse than the initial one I replied to. You're complaining about me complaining. Lol

"I'm not really interested in seeing women's roles be broadened just to cater to all the different guys out there."

Indeed lol

They asked how it was different than the dudes wanting vapid child bimbos. The obvious difference is their want is different which leads to different roles…

Because then there is a larger variety of female roles on screen? Sometimes good things happen for the wrong reason

Whatever the reason a larger variety of roles would be good for women no? So hopefully you were grossed out by and commented on a 1000 other things today, because there are a thousand worse things o could think of in a minute

Me smart

Not as dumb as your face!

Nah man the fish fell through the bubble from above. He's ok

"has been going on a vague tirade over the last few days about someone supposedly spreading defamatory lies about him."

"Ridley Scott says Alien 5 is dead"

Great extensive comment there! This whole thing is just so confusing to me. Like I am no genius, no expert on reading people, but I agree: