The Most Humblest Ever

Yeah but to be fair you can shut that GPS shit off for every app and even the browser.

"Your Bose headphones might also be spying on you"

7 min to 4:20 for me

Deep brah

He manages his anger a hell of a lot better than Fisk. That scene with the guy who cut his balls off, completely controlled rage there

Yeah probably much better to binge watch too

They are quite possibly the most useless pictures I have ever seen


Eh… There are a lot of those that cost 5-20 million and bomb at the box office too. So it's not like every one of them are hits

"A psycho Katherine Heigl is the only memorable part of Unforgettable"

Isn't he dead? Are you callin me a ghost?

Ok cool as that's the whole point of the episode. Radcliffe had a nice monologue about it

Eh? If his big regret was he never knew his father and the one switch is his father never left, that is one early thing isn't it.

Since he's dead he is probably an expert on dead things

No, Roots roots. The one with Geordi from Star Trek: TNG

If it's not Scottish it's crap!

U certainly pretentious enough for it. But not I, for I started this comment with "U" rather than "You" - for shame!

Yeah it's a lazy spinoff. I really hope it will be good, but seems so pointless

WTF is wrong with you dude? How much clearer do I have to be to point out your assholery?

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. You are still defending your comment!? If tons of people here remember basic facts about the show and you don't, and your excuse is essentially "but I have a life" that makes *you* the asshole.