The Most Humblest Ever

I am a grown up, which is why I pointed out your child-like behavior up there skippy.

If Fox actually cared they never would have reupped his contract as the harassment suits kept pouring in. They clearly didn't and don't give a shit about harassment.

Riiight and everyone else here is a pathetic loser eh? Instead of just having a better memory than you?

Most of this season had a Demon possessed flaming skull guy or a supernatural book that makes humans go mad when they read it. Seeing as how said book led directly into this arc it is incredible to me you're giving off a bit of attitude here. Pay more attention if you can't remember basic facts about the season of a

Lulz. Multitasking during the show leads you to miss things. Sorry dude.

Yeah come on man, how did you forget the Darkhold is the only thing that made the framework possible?

He was raised by his dad rather than his mom? And his dad is pretty terrible? Kinda obvious dude.

Not the momma!



This isn't karma really. Fox News is run by assholes who only booted O'Reilly because all of those settlements became public and advertisers fled.

Ur momma

Nope, film is ruined lol

Yeah but both of the mixtapes are supposed to be from just before his abduction.

When did those mix tapes leave the Earth again? Did Hoff even record that track before Star Lord was abducted?

Neither of you say totes ever again. Unless, like Alex Jones, the dumb fuckery of using that "word" is performance art.

Lol I had no idea!

What would you call it

"I know that reference!"
- Captain America and also me

Me too, a bit. Still, you gotta admit the hype was absurd.