The Most Humblest Ever

D'oh! No wonder they got mad!

And I really really hate you at the same level.

More like extensive therapy. And no I am not kidding.

You care about stares? Ba ha ha ha ha

That's not civilized! I tried it and people yelled at me!

Just find them all online a day or two later like a civilized* person.

"agnostics are free to be as skeptical or unskeptical as they want to be. "

You responded again!? With more off topic garbage!? Jesus Fucking Christ you're a disgrace

Agnosticism is a position on knowledge dude. Maybe gods exist, maybe leprechauns do, yet some people do cartwheels and backflips and work hard to insist they are agnostic about one and not the other. It's funny.

Yay that joke happened much sooner than I thought it would!

"John Oliver is coming for Geraldo River"

Pointing out that "agnostics" of a certain kind online are massively inconsistent with their beliefs is actually pretty useful. Seeing as how I am also an agnostic (an agnostic atheist) means I don't attack them over their agnosticism (as I would be attacking myself).

Why respond if you are literally going to say nothing on topic?

Dude you are missing the point of the weirdness of religion. Observe my one act play:

Noooooooo!!!! Gunn needs to make more episodes of PG Porn!*

Also the correct response to "do leprechauns exist". Except apparently not since "militant" self proclaimed agnostics are embarrassingly inconsistent and/or dishonest.

I am pretty sure Xanderpuss or however you spell it has the same beliefs as me, he just likes being purposely obtuse in this area for some strange reason. I'd rather people try to be clear instead of try to be purposely confusing ya know? I have a pet peeve with regards to people being honest.

Everyone? At everything? Surely not.

What a crock of shit. Long since moved on? This happened less than an hour ago.

I bet they wanted that deathbed conversion to say "I told you so" and not for her sake for her afterlife. That's how most people like that seem to work at least