The Most Humblest Ever

I literally lol-ed over this

I've heard enough "special" people drone on and on about being "agnostic" and then bail when leprechauns are mentioned that I am beginning to wonder if these people believe in and fear those little magical Irish buggers!

Seriously though, people who want to muddy the waters *purposely*, who want to be the opposite of clear, they are the true assholes.

"Tyler, The Creator wrote the theme song for Bill Nye’s new show"

Who, Christ? He seems alright as far as mythical people go. More easy going than most.

Oh dear, did I scare you off with a simple question? Are you afraid of the a-word or just really really *really* bad with definitions of words you use to describe yourself?

Cool, you like being incomplete and ambiguous, and furthermore, act like an a-hole when asked about it.

Nah man, you're doing it wrong. Indie kids are all about how only a select few realize how cool they are

Well, my opinion of you has gone down, not that you care.

What do you mean nah? LOL. Do you currently hold a belief that one or more gods exist?

Exactly what? You are talking about religions yet remained silent on if you hold a belief in one or more gods. And you did it twice. That's strange.

Ah ha so agnostic atheist. Say that next time.

Why am I talking to you?
I'm not I'm talking to myself now.

Agnostic what?

Lol, subtle, I like it. If you said God is as real as leprechauns more people would have caught on

Do you hold the same position on leprechauns?

Agnostic what though. You gave a position on knowledge but were silent on belief or lack there of.

Reading the Bible is a great way to turn Christians into Non-Christians.

Dude, you asked and answered your own question. Do you have rocks for brains? I know you got a rocky exterior but come on man!

Hot take bro!