
Given the intelligence of your comments, I'd rule out the option wherein you're an idiot. I gotta go with Bigtits on this one. Carter's purple prose is likely the culprit, and the infrequency in which we received mytharc episodes over the course of 9 years that actually advanced the mytharc.

Interesting. I've never really seen Mulder as a saint. One of the things I love about the character is how deeply flawed he is and how he's made whole by Scully. I do think that there was a tendency to turn Scully into a saint on occasion, overlooking her own embedded flaws. And she, too, is made a better person by

Oh, that would have been an excellent addition. Perhaps Doggett has a confrontation with the General and learns that he's an alien-human replacement. That would have given some motivation to the character.

Yes! That scene in which Mulder uses the Silence of the Lambs line, Skinner and Scully enter the cell to find Mulder standing on his head in a yoga pose. They cut around it, according to Kim Manners.

I never tire of watching this show. So, I'm down.

I think part of the "ahead of its time" for me was that I felt like I was watching a 45 minute film every week. The production values were off the charts and it was visually stunning. That was rare, if absent, in television at the time.

Can I upvote you a 100 times for your assessment of the Lost finale? Especially that last bit under the spoiler?

Hmm. I think you may have convinced me on making it work in that context. And in that context, I am placated!

I've been doing a rewatch too. Taking notes while I go. Someday here soon-ish, I'm going to have my website completed and will likely devote a section to my thoughts on various TV shows, starting with The X-Files.

I have an interesting classification for myself on the shipper/noromo divide. I'm a shipper only in the sense that I appreciate the love and devotion between Mulder and Scully. By the 7th season, it was abundantly clear that neither one of them was ever going to be able to love anyone else. They were too entwined, and

You brought your logic into my emotional comparisons. :)

Yeah, and that's perfectly logical. I just wanted a reason for Mr. X to be kicking some ass, preferably Mulder's or Skinner's. Wouldn't that have been a better use of the ghosts that can deal with the physical plane?

Strangely, it's on record that Carter hates courtroom scenes. So if he hates them, why in the world did he decide to make half his series finale into a courtroom drama? I guess it was the most expedient way he could concoct to have the clip show. I don't mind the idea of the trial, but I mind how much time it took

Oh, I'm going to have SOOOOOO much to say about that next week.

So, I have a few relatives that grew up on a Navajo reservation. Most of the early stuff wasn't as hokey or overly exaggerated as I'd thought. It was actually very respectful. A bit of the Blessing Way ritual was glamorized, but not a whole lot of it. It was actually pretty accurate. Just an interesting note I learn

Both Tooms episodes and toss in Irresistible and some Gilligan gems (I'm thinking Bad Blood, Je Souhaite, and Small Potatoes), and I'm so there with popcorn and beer.

I thought that particular choice was lovely. Doggett is the one who says they ought to shove it up their asses, but it's Reyes with her willingness to believe and open-minded attitudes that actually does the jamming. I haven't the first clue if it was on purpose, but it was awesome for Reyes. I wanted that Reyes for

Yeah, I've got a few ideas on how to keep Doggett and Reyes more involved with the finale. Not so much on wrapping their emotional arcs, though, because Doggett got closure with his son's murder and is starting to enjoy the X-Files assignment. Reyes gets Doggett and … yeah. Reyes gets Doggett because they didn't

Don't be. Season 10 is fantastic - what I've read of it, anyway. I read the Believers arc and the first set of MOTW issues. I like them a lot.

Absolutely agreed that the perfect finale is Existence. I'd have taken Requiem, if we were going to get a movie within a year or so of the series end.