the mornings

You know you’re not calming anyone or helping anyone. This is about your need to undermine. I figure you are on the autism spectrum, because you continue to cling to literal interpretations and have admitted you don’t know when to stop and probably should have long ago. People have been trying to explain why to

It’s mostly about helping cushion each other for a possible bad outcome. To shorten the fall.

I think a lot of us are in pain because she is so young, and survived so much with such grace. We needed that avatar of strength and honesty right now; we already feel so lost.

Yeah a lot of us have taken the test. But I don’t call people racial slurs no matter how out of my head I get. I have prejudices against white people (as a white woman), according to the test, but I don’t call them honkies when I’m drunk.

I’m not implying it; I’m asserting it with a full heart. She is actually trying to delegitimize the feelings of others in order to ignore her own demons, but I don’t think she’s self-aware enough to know that’s what she’s doing.

Nobody actually thinks tragedy cares about the calendar. How low is your opinion of others?? And people can calm themselves when they are ready, in their own way. People have perspective and they also have emotions. Most people, anyway.

It explains a lot that you think the people here literally believe that a collection of numbers controls events. You’re choosing the most uncharitable interpretation of a figure of speech—one that pretty much requires you to apprehend these people as simpletons or lunatics or both.

“Ugh, worst day ever. I feel really sad.”

It’s not your own acceptance of death that’s making people uncomfortable; it’s that you’re trying to impose your own perspective on others at a moment when people are feeling shocked and sad. It’s not empathetic or tactful to pick on someone’s phrasing and then take everybody on a relentless journey of how they

So did you say racist things when drunk? You’re not specifying that you espoused bias that simply isn’t in you now that you’re sober.


Or we can just be more circumspect in our comments and have discussions, unless we want to act all put upon instead.

What? Women are things whose highest aspiration is to be thought of as hot. How can it be insulting? Frankly, I’m insulted that you’re insulted.

You skipped the part where we don’t know what actually happened, so it’s impossible to say with authority “what’s going on here.” Unless you think TMZ is the author of reality.

Yeah, I’ve been told to do terrible shit before. And you’re essentially saying, “suck it up.” And we do. All the time. And then sometimes we make a choice to not suck it up. Sometimes we leverage our power as the actual workforce that is holding your concept together and you change your mind about how little your

We don’t even really know what happened, but you’re acting like we do. Perhaps both drivers could have done things differently.

Yeah, I just have boob exhaustion. It’s not that I think she should put away her dirty pillows to “preserve the mystery” of woman’s one valuable commodity or anything. I just feel mentally exhausted by the demands of appreciating her boobs every day.