
It’s the Gawker m.o. They can tie a social issue to anything. In fact, I think it's compulsory.

okay Alex. Thanks for chiming in today.

What did Patrick Kane do?

ya, they all must have been racist. Not that they thought something was inappropriate, it definitely had to be racism. You can’t have an opinion of a black persons behavior without being a fucking racist. Everybody must be a damn racist.

Wait a second....what? This is not a “Syrian immigrant”? Or are you saying there’s a bad translation one way or another?

Ok, you speak with authority, so I will now accept that as truth.

yes because the WNBA is successful and the NFL is not... hmm

Lol. You don't believe that right? Young black men are the most violent group on earth. You're such a good sycophant though.

That’s not how acid works.

I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.

Competent is what we need in government. “Interesting” has gotten us Trump.

Kaine is why you’re staying in Paris? I sort of think you just want to stay in Paris and you’re looking for an excuse.

how old r u

I mean, I could send you a pretty extensive list. Please tell me more about my state.

That was a fake security guy. Obv they had permission to be up there. wow. you’re why people think reality tv is real.

Like dress up day at Gawker Media.

Guys, guys, guys. Guys. Not all muslims are bad though.

A guy who looks like that is using PED’s? The hell you say!

What? You don’t think that the state should fund public higher education because they haven’t reported any rapes? That’s fucking nonsensical. Campus sexual assault is a serious problem, but you’re throwing out the baby, her sister, her mother, her father and the bathtub with the bath water.