
Second wavers I've always been told have always had really gross ideas about the body? I thought the second wave came /way/ earlier that 2000.

I respect you opinions and observe your right to watch other things!
*high five!*

It's quite sweet? Everything about the main character is really kind-hearted and kind-spirited and he tries to bring that out in other people and the world around him. It's goofy and tender and the jokes are quite good sometimes.

i feel you.

Yes, this was what I was trying to say. Very good at saying.

I've just been really anxious about supporting an artist who has done despicable things, you feel?

I'm glad that he was removed from the company and I hope that this prompts him to get further help for his mental illness. I also hope that there are some serious legal ramifications for his assault, though.

the idea of 'finding my cervix' multiple times a day makes me want to cry a lot.


went to girl scout camp in the mississippi woods; avon skin so soft for LIFE

I was in Paris and I told someone in my travel group that I wanted to come back, alone, and do the city on my own time. She told me I could never travel alone.

I'm kind of in love with the fact that she has all of these tattoos and she doesn't show them. That's kind of how I want my own tattoos. They're for her, they're not for other people to look at or have opinions on. She's the most amazing angel.

I didn't go to my prom because I spent three weekends looking for a dress and I couldn't find anything that fit me. Literally anything. I was a size sixteen pushing eighteen and there were not any dresses, mother of the bride or no, in the Penny's, Macy's, David's, or specialty prom/formal stores we went to that fit

Yes. The rest of the country like to perceive the South as another part of the world and thus weirdly exotic and primitive and more pure or whatever. We're culturally obsessed with the "backwards South" or the literary equivalent "Southern Gothic." Deliverance hinges on this and tons of other movies hinge on this.

The movie is a lot of good, but a few things:

friends are very important.

i had forgotten about that song and now i'm in my dorm room crying i hope you are pleased with yourself.

i'm a sophomore in college who grew up watching the shit out of the original as a kid and sent the trailer to my mom. twenty minutes later i got a barrage of text messages from my dad demanding to know why i decided to break my mother. she had apparently been sobbing for the past ten minutes.

I legitimately received better financial aid from a weird liberal art school far away than I did from the state school I applied to, which wanted me to take out upwards of fifteen thousand dollars in unsubsidized loans a year. It was a really weird moment.