
lol oh yeah, I always forget that it defaults to the UK and then suddenly all your special characters are in random places

Basic economics is assets equals liabilities plus shut the fuck up.

Let’s just all go mining coal.

Just a heads up if you’re ever trying to connect your RPi3 to your wifi, and your network password has special characters, verify what keyboard layout that it’s set to (e.g. U.S. or U.K.), and you can potentially save yourself a lot of headache. Ask me because I know. :)

You know what basic economics is? Not getting yourself in debt for a degree that will not allow you get into a career to pay off said debt (i.e. Journalism, which is dead by the way). Education should be treated as an investment in yourself, and return on investment should be considered before making the purchase.

Frankly, the entire sentence doesn’t make any sense at all. But the guy’s alive, so it’s all good.

Miss Fritter... the school bus... is wearing a “crazy collection of her victims’ license plates”.

Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.

What about tree fiddy?

Have you looked into pro football over there?


I’m surprised. He definitely has a few good years left in him. Then again, it’s very prudent of him to get out now. He’s made his money, he’s got the hardware, he has the stats, he’s got everything he wanted out of the NFL, I expect.

Citing concerns over his long-term health? I guess he read those reports about the Toradol and decided to hop off the T-train.

I’m not saying he should abuse it by opening a chain of sushi bars, I’m just saying that he could.

I liked when they kicked soccer balls at each other... during the rioting

I think he is actually using this fake rubber hand! It’s the exact same color.

How can that hand even belong to him?! It’s like 10 shades lighter than his Flamin’ Hot Cheeto face!

You’re just like the rest of us.

There are a Brazilion things wrong with this.

And that’s why you always wear your best undies to the soccer match.