

Has nobody heard the stories that Rodgers is gay? I thought this was pretty common knowledge. That’s the type of sex his parents don’t approve of. The Olivia Munn thing is all a cover, clearly if his parents cared about him having sex with her, they wouldn’t be supportive of Jordan being on The Bachelor.

I think their issue with his sex life is that he has sex with men. Not the make believe sex that he has with Olivia Munn.

You’re omitting the possibility that he rose from the dead. A lot of people believe that is possible.

It’s just a reverse of the way Buckeyes are taught to act while tailgating. They took out the cooler pooping instructions though, which was probably good.

Ashley’s last name is Feinberg too. It’s neat.

She’s a dumb whore, can we move on and worry about real victims?

If racism is the main problem, why aren't cops killing Asians and Indians at the same rate?

Google them - I was surprised how unbalanced they are too.

The issue is did Philando, Freddie, or Eric have dads around to teach them how to act and stay out of situations that would involve police? Not suggesting that police shouldn’t be better - agreed that we have a society where our ‘D’ students are keeping law and order.

Did you not notice the part about ‘similar living situations’ - the problem is that they aren’t in similar living situations. There is nothing wrong with black fathers that stick around, the problem is that 72% of black kids grow up with dads that are in that sad right column of your stats, while all races in the US

Correction: Dan Orlovsky would be a more equivalent comparison

Appreciate your concern for white people but until Tom Brady has to sit out the national anthem to draw attention to white people dying in the streets, let's focus on the problem, which is 72% of African-Americans growing up in a single parent household. National average is 25%.

Maybe he should consider talking about the problem of black men - like his father - that don’t stick around and raise their kids.


In fairness, Jeter couldn't field.

Was it autocorrect or the MSU education that failed you? I’m guessing the latter (you’d probably spell it ‘ladder’).