$62 million in 2016 dollars, per the US inflation calculator.
14 million IN 1975! That’s not a small loan today and it most certainly was a massive loan in the 70s!
Ikr? She pushed his buttons all night long. He was an unmitigated disaster.
His reply was more telling, in that he called it a “small loan.” A small loan of $14 mil.
yeah, i see that “THEY’RE BOTH THE SAME, SHEEPLE!” has the the Rockabilly Survivalist vote all locked down again this year. I find they’re usually Kansas bred ex-skaters and punks whose parents dipped their pacifiers in gin and “Clinton Murder Saul Alinsky argle bargle durrrrrrrrrrrp”. They wouldn’t vote for any…
So far, that line and Tyrion Lannister’s “That’s what I do - I drink and I know things” are neck-and-neck in the running for my Motto of the Year competition.
I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”
My favorite was when he eventually sputtered to a stop after projectile vomiting nonsense words for 2 minutes and she said, “whew. Ok!” That kind of verbal head pat is my favorite slow burn. He’ll be thinking about it for days.
Especially when he was wheezing and out of breath the whole time. Really, he wants to get into a stamina debate with her?
from my own experiences - watching this tonight - I was thrilled. I mean, this is actually exactly what you are supposed to do when dealing with a bully. I swear I bet she studied how to deal with bullies, because - this is it. she didn’t talk at him, she didn’t take his bait - she talked THROUGH him and just…
Mike Pence had the gall to complain that Hillary constantly insulted Trump. Since when is calling someone out on their lies considered an “insult”?
You could tell Lester Holt was irritated. I guarantee he wanted to get off his chair and give Trump a smack.
Every time she interrupted he got all pissy, and then he proceeded to interrupt and talk over both her AND the moderator.
The Mansplaining. The Goddamn Mansplaining. Donald was downright disrespectful. Jesus.
Hillary has had 30 years of people yelling at her, criticizing her, and 15 years of debate experience. Trump isn’t used to people fact-checking him and hitting him with facts. He’s used to fawning coverage where people kiss his ass and tell him he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
She totally reverse psychology’d him so she could wear her red suit.
And she was wearing power tie red, which amused me.
I’m delighted with Clinton’s composure tonight. She clearly trained to endure his incessant interruptions with calm and poise, effectively delivering her message in spite of him. It made Trump appear even pettier than usual. Well done, Hillary.