
Pure conjecture on my part but maybe Carrey owns the house in which she was living. It would still be weird to dial in the footage where your ex lives daily but would explain the presence of the cameras and his access to them. I think it will be difficult to prove that Carrey was reckless for not alerting authorities

If I don’t emerge in a week or so maybe text or something but 24 hours could almost just be a nap.

No shit. I didn’t set foot outside my apartment from Monday until Friday last week, and I only went outside Friday because I knew I had some eyeshadow waiting for me in my mailbox downstairs. I regularly get home Friday evening and hole up until Monday morning when I have to go to work. It’s one of my favorite things

Why wasn’t he living with her or at least checking up on her every day? He was her husband. The lawsuit itself blames Carrey for not alerting the authorities about her inactivity for 24 hrs. Why didn’t her own husband know about her inactivity? Was she living with Carrey? If so, why?? It sounds like he washed his

24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon

My guess is the truth is more like something in the middle of both stories. Carrey probably has issues with prescription drug abuse himself, and they probably had a history of taking them together while they were dating. However, I’m guessing he didn’t just give a large amount of heavy medication to a suicidal woman,

This is really important and deserves to be somewhere better than Lifetime.

Probably shouldn’t have been a prick about the show and gone off to pursue a movie career.

“The Daily Mail reports...”

You know he has no soul because you looked into his eyes like Dubya looked in to Putin’s? Or...

She’s absolutely elegant in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

He was great in the “Five Little Pigs” episode of Poirot. Shame he was born without a soul, though.

I’m having a supremely shitty day, and the prospect of a Downton Abbey movie is about the only thing keeping me going right now. Don’t let me down, Crawley family.

i just went down the google rabbit hole and Maggie Smith was super hot as a youngster - although she is still super hot now, she was even hotter. and, one of her sons is gorgeous (Toby Stephens).

...goes off to watch Gosford Park in the meantime.

100 pts to Masshole for the perfect gif compilation.

All fun aside, no person should be worth 18 BILLION dollars. That’s obscene.

It’s from the sequel 2084: Everything’s Still Fucked, it’s called asspeak.

And Captain Planet villain-come-to-life.

“Every onerous regulation puts American lives at risk.”