
Guys I met her at the airport the other night and by the other night I mean Friday. I couldn’t contain myself and told her I love her in everything and that I follow her on Twitter and love her Olympic coverage it’s awesome. She looked at me like she was seriously tired of the world and said thank you. It was a nice

I’d watch a whole TV show with just her reacting to stuff. She’s amazing!

I want to drink wine and get stoned with her - she seems like the perfect “watch tv and hang out” friend.

She is LITERALLY the best.

Leslie Jones is a goddamn treasure. “I just wanted to feel beautiful, y’all!”

Hey yeah--post was written before we’d seen that news at the end of speech and it’s been amended to include.

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

I am forever and always willing to appreciate Daniel Sunjata, have loved him since Rescue Me.

I know this post is about Piper, but can we appreciate Daniel Sunjata? (I just started watching Graceland, and I love him so much)

yeah and she had lived in that apartment since the 80s and had mentioned it was rent control. and then bought it with Charlotte’s ring money. soooooooooooo

Isn’t Marnie on Girls pretty much unemployed? Being unemployed and having your own apartment that you don’t share in NY seems pretty aspirational to me.

It’s all good. Indiana still sucks. :)

It was actually Montana, I misread. Adjust your future travel plans accordingly.

What the fucking shit?!?! Why would this be published in a newspaper?

She should share the reason for her visit when he shares every single time he has fapped. Fuck off, Morgan.

As a black woman, I fucking hated that movie. It seemed like cosigning on every stereotype of black women being mindlessly and completely accessible sexually to whoever wanted sex. Fuck Spike Lee. (Although I did like the subject matter of “School Daze”, I thought the execution left a lot to be desired. Do The Right

Adding to the VSD fantasy list for reasons I’ve outlined elsewhere in these comments: She Hate Me. I don’t trust him to handle this remotely appropriately. Racial themes, yes. Anything involving women? Fuck no.

From an artistic standpoint, transforming pain and suffering into meaningful art is kinda Spike Lee’s whole conceptual concept which he has explored in many different ways.

That rape sequence was pure male fantasy, that she's just resisting because she feels like she has to in order to be chaste and therefore desirable. But if she gets a taste of what my Very Special Dick can do, she'll love it and beg for more, so I'm just going to keep ignoring her resistance. Fuck you, Spike.

I STILL haven’t seen She’s Gotta Have It. Not sure why I never got around to it, but that rape scene may have a small part in my reluctance. I’m curious to see what Spike can do with TV, and if he has matured at all in his depiction of female sexuality, but not super optimistic based on his track record. I’m willing