
I’m hurt that a son of a prominent feminist tried to mansplain mansplaining to me and how it was sexist and unfair to women. I’m so hurt by that.

I’m a pear-shaped “inbetweenie” and yes, well-tailored clothes really are that hard. I don’t know why it’s so hard, but it’s rarity that I find something that I think is well-made, fits nicely, and worth what I paid for it. And I’m willing to pay for quality. Clothes are just shit now in general.

A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.

Thanks! I was thinking about the general issue yesterday because I got into a conversation with the other Girl Scout moms that left me feeling poor because we can’t afford $12,000 sleepaway summer camp. (I live in Northern Virginia, where the incomes and the children are both above average.) And then I read something

And when you’re the 1% and want to complain that you aren’t the 0.05%

One of my go-to movies.


Yeah, I mean, her audience isn’t the type that takes too kindly to insulting Oprah.

Just wanted to go on record and tell you all that In Her Shoes is one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.

I sympathize with Jennifer, but at the same time, there are times when the smart thing to do is to keep your mouth shut. And when you’re the 1% and want to complain that you aren’t the 0.05%, that would be the time.

Yup. While I appreciate her confessional and have felt the same way too many times, this essay comes across as a blatant plea for sympathy and compliments. It’s the same thing my middle school students do: “This essay totally sucks, and I totally suck by extension, right? [Please tell me I’m awesome and do not suck!]”

While I admire her honesty, doesn’t she have a BFF to vent to? And wouldn’t that BFF tell her, “Maybe keep some of this shit between us, huh?”

The debates will be fantastic for Hillary. Donald Trump is not going to be able to follow all the rules of the debates, like time limits and waiting his turn. He also won’t be able to feed off the crowd, some of whom will actually be hostile to him. It won’t be like a rally where he can say anything and get cheers. He

So I think we should have a debate with no moderator.

money. he has it. it keeps you out of jail.

People buy clothes seasonally? I can’t spend $30 on pants! I can’t remember the last clothing item I bought that wasn’t TJMaxx and kinda fits I guess or from a thrift store and yea I can fix that.

The chambray shirt is $200. You know, the denim shirt on every single fucking MUST list for the Fall 2016 season. There must be 5 dozen version for >$30 available. And if you had the $200 wouldn’t you buy the Rails Carter or BOSS? WhoTF are these people?

The lovely, and ever so Goopily named Pattner Peak Label Blazer retails at $695