I wish we could Milli Vanillia someone as the Director/Writer of this movie. That way I could see it and potentially laud it for being great without being disgusted by Parker, his actions, and his frequent boneheaded statements about his actions.
I wish we could Milli Vanillia someone as the Director/Writer of this movie. That way I could see it and potentially laud it for being great without being disgusted by Parker, his actions, and his frequent boneheaded statements about his actions.
But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.
LMFAO she wasn’t carried to the van. Stop.
I know a bunch of fit, young models wearing nearly nothing also got fucked up by the same weather just a few days ago. I also know it’s even hotter out there today, due to the heat wave.
And give people a full buffet of “Hillary is sick and weak” fuel?
In the middle the city, in the plaza, in the sun, it is going to be significantly hotter, at least 80 degrees. Add in a crowd, heavy clothing, and bulletproof garments, plus the emotional significance, and I can well believe that she got hotter than expected too fast to adjust for, and needed a chance to cool down.
Come now, this is silliness. The humidity and air pollution in NYC make heat even harder on the body than it might be elsewhere, and that gets multiplied when you are in a crowd of people giving off body heat.
Thursday through yesterday we had a heat wave with temperatures in the nineties. This morning the temps were in the upper seventies with a real feel of mid-eighties. Packed in with hundreds of people, with long sleeves, with the vest, it’s easy to see how she could have been overcome by the heat. I routinely feel…
Trump also left early, but no one is mentioning it, nor did they care to notice. This story has legs because it fits with the whole conspiracy Trump’s camp has been going with for weeks.
Don’t like HRC? Fine. Think she’s make a terrible POTUS? Fine. Upset about emails, Bengazi..etc? Sure. But actually believing this“secret illness” nonsense is too much. And how do you know no one else got sick? Or fainted? Or felt ill? Because I’m sure all eyes were on the ceremony, then her, and no one else.
“c) the temperature in New York City at the time of Clinton’s overheating was in the low 80s. (A heat wave over the eastern United States broke last night/this morning.)“
Everybody from New York on my Twitter feed has been complaining about the weather for the past couple days. Perhaps we should trust the observations of people who were actually there rather than trying to armchair-gauge a temperature halfway across the country from us?
Well, in this election no official has come straight out and said she’s wearing body armor, because duh. But there are lots of clues that she is:
Living in Texas, 79 degrees and humid is probably spring like to you, where the temps routinely are higher. Most people who are not acclimated to 100+ weather might just get faint wearing a full suit and kevlar for an hour and a half...especially at an emotional ceremony where you are remembering friends killed on…
It was over 80. She was a short person in a crowd of people, making it hotter. Humidity was high. She was wearing a shirt, long sleeve coat, and a kevlar vest. She got overheated. We know this is it because SHE WALKED OUTSIDE UNDER HER OWN POWER ABOUT AN HOUR LATER.
Dude, 80 degrees in NYC is not mild temperatures, and she’s wearing a full suit, body armor, and probably shapewear.
I was thinking the same thing - I do believe she overheated, but I would bet that part of the reason she was feeling so warm was because of the stress and emotions of the day. Adrenaline makes the body do crazy things.
Actually, my first thought was that she became overwhelmed because of the nature and subject of the ceremony. Think about it—as skeevy as one may think she is, the fate of the world is likely dependent on her right now. She is running against a man who isn’t fit to run a hot dog stand, much less this country. Trump is…
did you post this before seeig the video of her falling out into the van? This could be an isolated instance but it deserves explanation
No pun intended, but judging from these comments, we’ve entered the “whistling past the graveyard” stage.