I was stabbed!
I was stabbed!
I was completely surprised by how much I loved this movie. It's completely absurd and yeah, it does play kind of like a series of music videos, but the style was a lot of fun, and the sense of humor really worked for me. I recommend watching it late at night with a bottle of whiskey. MMMBop!
Unfortunately I watched "Where in the World is Osama bin Laden," which ended with Spurlock and his wife co-birthing their spawn in a hippy bathtub. That kid's life is going to be one long uphill climb.
Fingerbanging. Aw yeah.
Someone without a job.
You know you've become an important writer when you can dedicate pages upon pages to terminology that you find mildly irritating. I'm not really liking the "For Our Consideration" feature.
And then late in the first season, I thought the stars were aligning because Joss Whedon was helming an episode featuring NPH and… it didn't quite suck then, but it was oh so meehhhhhh…
I am sorry
that at one point early in the first season I thought this was a good show.
Sick and Wrong
A long time ago we used to be friends
But I haven't thought of you lately at all.