
Whoa whoa whoa - talking about burying the lede.

I will devour this like so much maple sugar snow candy.

A lot of minimum-wage jobs (fast food worker, cashier, etc) involve spending the majority of time on your feet, also. When I was working as a cashier, the last thing I wanted to do after a shift was go for a walk or to the gym. I hadn't burned a lot of calories, but I had just spent anywhere from 4 to 10 hours on my

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

I eat tomatoes with salt and pepper on them just like applies. I just bite into them. You are wrong!

Privileged check, please. There's enough research into food deserts and poverty to show that for many people, the crap on the dollar menu at BK or McD's or whatever, is the only option, especially between shifts at crap jobs or when you live in an area where your options are drive many miles (or take public transit)

People who want "A-list" treatment shouldn't be flying Southwest.

This is great. This is a decision I had to confront when at 13 weeks some test results indicated my baby had a high risk of having a chromosomal abnormality (risk factor went from 1 in 6,000 to 1 in 13). Further tests revealed that my daughter was fine but for about 2 weeks I was forced to contemplate terminating my

As a heterosexual, married male, I must offer two responses to this article:

First, the positive: Thank you for the laugh. This was one of the most insightful, witty, cutting articles I've read in a long time—and it had me howling, until...

Second, the negative: I have realized I know far too many men—and far too many

"It's kinda like Duran Duran, sort of."


wow, I thought I had it tough as an 11.5, but medium width! My husband has extra wide feet, and sometimes can size up and wear just a wide. There are a lot more 12s than 11.5, as you know! Also, eBay has "cross dresser" shoes in large sizes and extra wide....

Two things: 1. Rich, I love your shirt and neeeeeed one. 2. CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE BRING BACK POT PSYCHOLOGY OH MY GOD I MISS IT EVERY DAYYYYY

Any time I read a kid's name in the "Aiden" family, or some stupid spelling of a normal name like "Anjylah," I just assume the parents are horrible people.

I'm definitely just gloating here because I'm so proud of him and full of adrenaline, but Jason is my younger cousin. He is as fantastically earnest and hilarious and vivacious in real life. We're all so incredibly proud. Thank you so much for this piece!

ETA: Here he is with my grandparents being adorable as

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.



*If you chant it, she will come.*

Just spotted Pete Carroll with 12 items in the 10 items or less line.