John Oliver described him as "a shaved orang-utan: and “a man with the look and economic insight of Bam Bam of The Flintstones.”
John Oliver described him as "a shaved orang-utan: and “a man with the look and economic insight of Bam Bam of The Flintstones.”
I legitimately love Hausu and never know how to describe it. You nailed it.
Um… I just did.
Fair point. Although despite their many other problems, our police force doesn't have a long history of wanting to lynch black people for no reason, so even if they had guns (which would still be a terrible idea) I doubt it could go quite as horribly.
Hmm… fair point. I was half asleep when I typed that and clearly hadn't thought it through first (I was mainly thinking of the US and UK at the time).
I'm British and I have witnessed and been the victim of a racism here but even despite that, if even half of international news we receive is true, then the idea of an American calling Britain a more racist country is frankly ludicrous.
'People who think Clinton is somehow better than Trump are pathetic.'
John Oliver is a US citizen now and has made it his job to understand America even better than most US-born citizens. Jimmy Carr is just a tourist so the comparison isn't fair.
Coulter isn't very well known in the UK but anyone with an interest in US politics (especially US political comedy) will have heard her name and be able to work out enough to put together some good material.
I don't understand why the people organising these 'roasts' don't have Frankie Boyle on speed dial by now. They seem almost designed with him in mind.
I think her name is Mother Shabooboo now…
Those paintings were a gift to his family from their friends in Germany decades ago.
You want us to book Beck?
Have the Rolling Stones killed…
I would usually be concerned by the amount of articles which seem to have a pro-Clinton bent since the take-over as some sort of insidious corporate influence.
LaVeyan Satanists seem to be folk who have discovered the flaws of organised religion but are too self-righteous and immature to adapt to a world without it so have instead created a cult which is basically secular humanism but with all the smug hypocrisy that put them off religion still somehow intact. They hate…
Don't forget the time that Jill Stein and Trump were both invited to lunch in Moscow with those fine pro-Putin propaganda artists journalists at Russia Today.
[smiles] So anyway… ye comin' to fives on Saturday?
Too right, an yer da's jealous!
I can't say I'd fancy that. No amount of mixer could cover up the Bucky.