I worry that you are both correct. Bojack has proven himself likely to do the worst possible thing he can to himself in some explosion of self-sabotague and Diane has the ability to do the same especially when under his negative influence.
I worry that you are both correct. Bojack has proven himself likely to do the worst possible thing he can to himself in some explosion of self-sabotague and Diane has the ability to do the same especially when under his negative influence.
Shut it! Love Actually!
But I used the whole of my ass!
I assume you've already given up on watching American TV then?
He's had a few good comments on Twitter so far (he's definitely worth following)
I live in Scotland and while not many people seem to know John Oliver, those who do tend to love his show.
Yep, The Sopranos did it, so did The Wire, Fargo, Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire. Even some dramadies do it (eg. Bojack Horseman) I was genuinely surprised by Teti being impressed by Gus coming up with an example. I'd find it harder to think of a show which hasn't ever done this?
Yeah, and if any more words come spilling out our c**t mouths, he's gonna have to eat every f*cking chicken in the room.
Also it was Gus Spelman who said it. The same guy who spends a lot of Polite Fight slagging off Game of Thrones for it's 'simplistic trashy writing.'
Almost like if one of our eager early posters was unfortunate enough to contract two serious illnesses at the same time.
Bradley Whitford agrees. He feels he's never going to get to see a Merman.
All orcs are warrior orcs. (Apart from maybe children, who are trainee warrior orcs)
*cough* Donald Trump *cough*
Coincidentally 'Freddie Got Fingered' was the title Cohen suggested for the Queen biopic he almost worked on.
He's also a Massive Wanker.
Yeah he didn't outright say it was The Hound but he described his role in a way which made it easy to guess.
It can be two things.
Waiting to Exhale? Did they do their belts up too tight to avoid starving?
But H Jon Benjamin IS The Master from Venture Bros, so can inhabit any body he likes.
Because they're Scottish. It rains on all of us. All the time. Kinda a stupid question for them to ask really.