Das Mogul

Dumptruck. Money. House.

I wonder if we can get the 'Fixing Dorne' kickstarter guys to re-edit that scene to remove the rapeyness while their at it?

At least five result by this point! Goddammit, celebrating the AV Club only destroys it!

Well we have to hope that's what happened. Otherwise there are serious questions about what the hell went through the writer/director's head while staging this.

I can't help but get the feeling that the show runners and the writers room never intended that scene to be rape but that it somehow horribly ended up being directed that way and now everyone is hoping that if they don't ever mention it we'll somehow forget it ever happened.

In the show universe Benjen is 100% Coldhands.

"Please… save Martha…"

The cake.

That does sound like the mantra Gene Simmons is following.

I think it's safe to assume from your post that you've never actually watched an episode of Game of Thrones.

Fassbender would make a great Bond villain too. He has a terrifying shark-like smile.

I can't remember how it worked but according to some article I read a while back, if you follow the family trees back a few generations then you realise that Tywin Lannister was a cousin of the Baratheons and if the Baratheon line was completely extinguished (as it would be if Tommen died) then he would have a strong

The connection may have mainly come from idiots (and, you know, Wagner) but that doesn't mean it doesn't sadly continue to exist.

Although really the answer to 'What Women Want' being Mel Gibson seems even more ridiculous these days.

Well that would've really cleaned up ol' Mel's image.

But I don't know what to do with these tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
They're coming again!

Zeppelin probably wouldn't not want to draw too much attention to the existence of copyright considering that they also 'sampled' whatever the hell they pleased.

Those of us who have posted alongside @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus know it's too late for one of those…

M for Mancy.

Yes, but what if everyone, including the Brits, think that the new Superman is awful?