Das Mogul

Also all of them are secret Targaeryans.

I think the lightsaber through the heart might've helped a bit too.

You shut your whore mouth! Never shall the Zombie and the Durst be compared again.

God, it's like the Blackfyre rebellion all over again!

That's beautiful.

It's called Zach Snydering.

I almost forgot:

In the afterlife's remake of GoT, Rickman is playing Tywin, Bowie is playing the Three Eyed Raven and Prince is playing Oberyn Martell.

The Trick is to Keep Breathing

Voiced? Naw, Tilda could've transformed herself to play the part convincingly!

Trying to 'force us to stay in the EU?'

She was genuinely great in Still Alice.

But which one of them got the talent and charm?

It's Boaty McBoatface

I knew what this was going to be before I clicked and I knew I'd be angry if it was anything else.

[insert picture of Thom Yorke grinning while reading The Big Boots Book.]

The Big Butt Bible

As a Jewish man of intelligence, I must, of course, answer your question with a question…

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?

I just pictured a mostly naked Nic Cage with badly glued on orange fur yelling about how he 'wants to be like you' and I don't know if I'll ever stop laughing.